Saturday, December 31, 2005

Darth Wilhelm

"No Jon, I am not your father."

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Why Marriage? by Mari Nichols

Because to the depths of me, I long to love one person,
With all my heart, my soul, my mind, my body...

Because I need a forever friend to trust with the intimacies of me,
Who won't hold them against me,
Who loves me when I'm unlikable,
Who sees the small child in me,
and Who looks for the divine potential of me...

Because I need to cuddle in the warmth of the night
With someone who thanks God for me,
With someone I feel blessed to hold...

Because marriage means opportunity
To grow in love in friendship...

Because marriage is a discipline
To be added to a list of achievements...

Because marriages do not fail, people fail
When they enter into marriage
Expecting another to make them whole...

Because, knowing this,
I promise myself to take full responsibility
For my spiritual, mental and physical wholeness

I create me,
I take half of the responsibility for my marriage
Together we create our marriage...

Because with this understanding
The possibilities are limitless.

** I read this at my sister's wedding **

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

New Job

Well.... it has been almost a year since I left the University and became a Social Event Planner for Genoa Woods Conference Center in Brighton, MI. As of December 30 I will be leaving Genoa Woods and going back to the University.

I have accepted a position with the Political Science Department as their Office Assistant. Not a glamorous job for someone about to finish their master's degree, but one that I am very good at. I am leaving Genoa Woods on very good terms and know that I will be part of their team again in a few years.

I have learned a lot about myself this year. What my talents and strengths are and how to value what I do in life over being miserable and well off. (I know, I know). So I will be poor and happy, until I can find something that will make me happy and rich!

Anywho... if you email me at Genoa Woods I won't be answering it after December 30. Please use my other personal email address. :o)

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Jeni's Wedding

My sister got married this weekend! She is now Jeni Johnson! Click on the link above to see some pictures!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

How Shannon Makes Christmas Cookies

Christmas Cookie Ingredients:
1 cup of water
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup of sugar
1 tsp salt
1 cup of brown sugar
lemon juice
4 large eggs
1 cup nuts
2 cups of dried fruit
1 bottle Jose Cuervo Tequila

Sample the Cuervo to check quality. Take a large bowl, check the Cuervo again, to be sure it is of the highest quality, pour one level cup and drink.

Turn on the electric mixer...Beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl. Add one teaspoon of sugar...Beat again.

At this point it's best to make sure the Cuervo is still OK, try another cup ... just in case.

Turn off the mixerer thingy. Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit. Pick the frigging fruit off floor... Mix on the turner. If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaterers just pry it loose with a drewscriver.

Sample the Cuervo to check quality. Take a large bowl, check the Cuervo again, to be sure it is of the highest quality, pour one level cup and drink.

Next, sift two cups of salt, or something. Who giveshz a sheet. Check the Jose Cuervo. Now shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts. Add one table.

Add a spoon of sugar, or somefink. Whatever you can find. Greash the oven. Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over. ! Don't forget to beat off the turner. Finally, throw the bowl through the window, finish the Cose Juervo and make sure to put the stove in the dishwasher.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Buzz off!

Buzz off! ‘Mosquito’ aims to drive away teens Device’s inventor claims ultrasonic sounds audible only to young people

Updated: 5:54 p.m. ET Nov. 30, 2005

LONDON - A Welsh inventor claims to have found the perfect solution to rowdy youngsters — noise.

Howard Stapleton says his device, the “Mosquito,” emits an uncomfortable high-pitched ultrasonic sound that can be heard by children and teenagers but almost no one over 30.
It has successfully driven away noisy teens from a grocery store in the Welsh town of Barry and a shop in Stapleton’s home town Merthyr Tydfil, making smoking, lounging and foul-mouthed youths a thing of the past.

The ability to hear high frequencies deteriorates with age, but some adults might still be able to hear the Mosquito. No one except young troublemakers appears annoyed, however.
“All I’m getting is pats on the back,” Stapleton told Reuters. “No bricks thrown at me yet.”
He said teenagers he had talked to welcomed the device too, because they used to be intimidated by gangs hanging around the shops.

The Mosquito has turned Stapleton into a media star, with appearances on British TV and radio and interest from as far afield as Australia, the United States and Canada.


Monday, November 14, 2005

Bird Flu

The Center for Disease Control has released a list of symptoms of bird flu. If you experience any of the following, please seek medical treatment immediately:

1. High fever
2. Congestion
3. Nausea
4. Fatigue
5. Aching in the joints
6. An irresistible urge to crap on someone's windshield .

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Nothing new

Not much new in my life but a few new credit cards and a hang nail.

I am 99% finished with my Christmas shopping (Scott thinks I am crazy, and so will Pete). I just have to get Scott's sister and her husband something and I am all done, which I may do tonight, I am not sure. I can't tell you what a relief it is to be done Christmas shopping in October. I will never have to set foot in the mall all season!!!! I just have to remember now that I am done shopping and not to buy any more presents for anyone. I am really only guilty of doing this for my sister and Scott. Both whom I prob spend the most money on. One, cause I love Scott so much, and 2. cause my sister is so easy to shop for.

Mary at work quit. So I am Interim Social Event Coordinator, until they find a replacement. Seriously put a damper on my Halloween Party plans scheduled for the 22nd. Bastards, I told my friends I would be unable to participate if they moved it up a week. I have one more wedding left for the season on the 22nd. Should go nice and smooth. Then I have an auction and then on to holiday party season. Which should be interesting.

Scott had sinus surgery again yesterday. He is at home nursing some very nice black eyes and a swollen face. They removed a polyp, some scar tissue, and fully connected his drainage to his throat. No wonder he gets all stuffed up so fast. My assistant chef recommended Yoga to Scott to increasing his breathing through his nose to keep it clear.

My kitty Daisy keeps pooping outside her litter box on the floor. It is clean, cause she keeps pooping on the outside, so I have to figure out what is pissing her off so she will start using the box again. At least she isn’t pooping in my clothes or on my bed, she poops in the laundry room in corners I cannot reach. (little bitch)

I bought Buffy Season's 1-7. I should put them and my treadmill to good use and use them together. Makes the exercising go by much faster. Scott hasn’t noticed yet that I bought the entire collection. Once the drugs wear off, he may figure it out.

Girls like boys with skills

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Digital Camera

I finally ordered a digital camera. I was afraid to buy one because I didn't want to loose the right to have hard copy pictures; but an incident this week taught me my lesson.

I finally took in film from last summer, yes, LAST summer (2004) to be developed. I had this film so long, I had even passed the "Develop by" date. I also learned why they have a "develop by" date. So I got pictures back from two weddings, a camping trip, a tailgating adventure, and photos of my cats broken leg. All of course taken with 800 speed film and they should have come out crystal clear. Did they? NO. I had passed the "develop by" date.

I also came to the conclusion that when I have my mom's digital camera I take pictures, download and order prints all right away. So... I bought a digital camera. A red Cannon PowerShot SD20 Digital Camera.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Ticketmaster Hell

I am now officially banned from purchasing any tickets to any events I wish to attend. Why? Cause every time I do, I mess something up.

First I went to a concert on the wrong day, then I bought 1 ticket on Ebay instead of 2 to a concert in Chicago, and now... I have bought tickets to something when I had a prior engagement. I suck. I should have learned before and just listened to Scott - who was right. Yes Scott, you were right dear, I should have listened to you. I swear on a stack of bibles that I will listen to you in all manners concerning purchasing tickets of any kind (concert, events, airplane, etc...) from this day on.

Today's Shameless Plug: Oktoberfest 2005, Friday September 30, 7-10 pm @ By tickets from me!!! $35 Hot off the press! Get them NOW!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Seattle man dies after sex with horse

So.. um... watching Mind of Mencina last night and he came to his "Why the F#%& is this News" segment and discussed the following below.

attitude today: Felling like a liberal hippy douche


Seattle man dies after sex with horse Police say death was accidental, investigate farm on cruelty suspicions
Updated: 9:12 p.m. ET July 15, 2005

SEATTLE - A Seattle man died after engaging in anal sex with a horse at a farm suspected of being a gathering place for people seeking to have sex with livestock, police said Friday.The horse involved in the incident was not harmed, and an autopsy of the unnamed man concluded that “the manner of death was accidental ... due to perforation of the colon,” a police spokesman said.

“The information that we have is that people would find this place via chat rooms on the Web,” said Sgt. John Urquhart of the King County Sheriff’s Department.

Although sex with animals is not illegal in Washington state, Urquhart said that investigators were looking into whether the farm, located in Enumclaw, 40 miles southeast of Seattle, allowed sex with smaller animals that resulted in animal cruelty, which is a crime.

“If you’re talking about sheep or goats, there could be some issues,” Urquhart said.


Enumclaw-area animal-sex case investigated
By Jennifer SullivanSeattle Times staff reporter

King County sheriff's detectives are investigating the owners of an Enumclaw-area farm after a Seattle man died from injuries sustained while having sex with a horse boarded on the property.
Investigators first learned of the farm after the man died at Enumclaw Community Hospital July 2. The county Medical Examiner's Office ruled that the death was accidental and the result of having sex with a horse.

A surveillance camera picked up the license plate of the car that dropped the man off at the hospital, which led detectives to the farm and other people involved, said sheriff's Sgt. John Urquhart.

Deputies don't believe a crime occurred because bestiality is not illegal in Washington state and the horse was uninjured, said Urquhart.

But because investigators found chickens, goats and sheep on the property, they are looking into whether animal cruelty — which is a crime — was committed by having sex with these smaller, weaker animals, he said.

The farm was talked about in Internet chat rooms as a destination for people looking to have sex with livestock, he said.

"A significant number of people, we believe, have likely visited this farm," said Urquhart.
The Humane Society of the United States intends to use the case during the next state legislative session as an example of why sex with animals should be outlawed in Washington, said Bob Reder, a Humane Society regional director in Seattle.

"This and a few other cases that we have will allow us a platform to talk about sex abuse of animals," Reder said.

Thirty-three states ban sex with animals, he said.

Susan Michaels, co-founder of local animal-rights organization Pasado's Safe Haven, said she has been fighting to have bestiality made illegal. "It's animal cruelty behind closed doors," Michaels said.


Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Research @ Cambridge University

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg.The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?

from Jen P

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

One Year Anniversary

Wow! My blog will be up for one year on Friday. I can't believe I have been writing about my life and thoughts for a year now. We have been through lots this last year. A blogger stalker, my cat's broken leg, a new kitty, a new baby, a new job, and life in general. The year has been very good to me and I am looking forward to the next year.

Things to do in the next year:
  • Launch my new position at Genoa Woods as the Special Event's Coordinator for Legendary Events.
  • Finish my Master's Degree
  • Lanuch a new part time career (possibly)
  • Take a REAL vacation - traveling to Eurpoe (hopefully - if not Epcot at Disney World will have to do!)
  • Become a Legendary party planner for Livingston County!

I'll save getting married for 2007 :o)

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

My new outfit

I am going to the Michigan Renaissance Festival and finally gave in and bought a costume. Mine is a black skirt and green vest. I get it on Wednesday!!!

Friday, August 12, 2005

Spam on my blog

Freeke'n A!!!

Spam on my blog!

"Reading your blog and I figured you'd be interested in advancing your life a bit, call us at 1-206-339-5106. No tests, books or exams, easiest way to get a Bachelors, Masters, MBA, Doctorate or Ph.D in almost any field.Totally confidential, open 24 hours a day.Hope to hear from you soon!"


** Oktoberfest Beer Tasting - Friday Spetember 30th **

Friday, August 05, 2005

I love Scotch

"I love Scotch, Scotch, Scotch, Scotch."

Well not really, but I had to quote Ron Burgundy, San Diego Anchorman legend.

What Shannon would say is "I love rum, rum, rum, rum" then I can be stranded on an island with Johnny Depp and drink all the stolen Caribbean rum I want. Scott and I ended up going out with some friends last minute last night and had a WONDERFUL time! (Thanks Pete & Brian) We spent the night drinking, and picking out "tossers", "wankers", and sluts; and a wonderful time was had by all :o) Well maybe except for Erin who isn’t into girl watching as much as the rest of us are ;o) I also saw my first "Monet" last night (really pretty looking from far away, but when you get close things aren't really what they seemed). Which was depressing because I have admired this particular bartender from afar for a while now and to see her up close last night was slightly disappointing.

Oh well... Mark on your calendars: 1st Annual Oktoberfest Beer Tasting on September 24! $30 / person. Details to follow!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Memo to FAA


FROM: Conserned US Citizen

RE: Airport Security

Dear Sirs,

I have the solution for the prevention of hijackings, and at the same time getting our airline industry back on its feet.

Since men of the Muslim religion are not allowed to look at naked women we should replace all of our female flight attendants with strippers. Muslims would be afraid to get on the planes for fear of seeing a naked woman, and of course, every businessman in this country would start flying again in hopes of seeing a naked woman. Hijackings would end and the airline industry would have record sales.

Why didn't Bush think of this? Why do I still have to do everything myself?


Bill Clinton

Thanks Jen!

Monday, August 01, 2005

Subscribe to my Blog

You can now subscribe to my blog!

By entering your email in the box below you will receive automatic updates on when I post!

So now you don't have to stare at my blog everyday wishing I would write something new (unless you really want to that is).


- Thanks Larry!

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Jayden Elizabeth

A close up of the little one. Now mind you she is only 2 hours old here!

I'm an Aunt!

Jayden Elizabeth Marshall
was born at 1:00 am on July 24, 2005
at McPhearson Hospital in Howell Michigan.

Everyone is doing great! It was a easy fast birth. Janessa went in at 11:00 and two hours later had a baby!


Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Captains Log 072005

Lots of things going on in the world today. Many of which I really don't have an opinion over, my friend John Thorpe however does, so check out his blog this week. He has had some good posts this last month. Check out the sheep and the Letter from London to the Terrorists.

I was one of the 6.9 million people in the USA to purchase Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince this weekend. Actually, I pre-ordered mine in December and avoided all the lines unlike my Aunt who is actually bragging about what number in line she was to get her book at midnight. Sorry Denise, I did the smart thing and PRE-ORDERED mine and it was hand delivered right to my door on Saturday. No lines, no screaming kids, just me and Harry all weekend long. I have not finished yet. I am pacing myself cause who knows when the next one will come out. The Goblet of Fire comes out in November. It should be an awesome movie!

Scotty from Star Trek died today from pneumonia and he also had Alzheimer's disease. Very said.

I think that is it. Nothing to write home about, just a bunch of little tid-bits in life.

Have a fabulous day!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

ooohhhh yeah.... bow bow... chick-chick-chicka... mmmm...bow bow... chick-chick-chicka...  Posted by Picasa

oooh-ka-la-ka-he-key... comonna-wanna-lay-ya.... Posted by Picasa

Jeni at Pub Crawl... I talked her into wearing a coconut bra :o) Posted by Picasa

New Job

Well I have been at Genoa Woods for six months and I already have a new job. I have been "promoted" to Special Events Coordinator. I have been officially deemed "the party girl" and now I am getting paid for it. My main objective is to organize public events for Genoa Woods, market them, and fill the seats. My first event will be a New Year's Eve party with all the trimmings. Hopefully I may be able to squeeze in a beer tasting event in October for Oktoberfest, but who knows. Right after New Year's I will be in full swing for our annual Valentines Day Dinner and then on to other events. Hopefully I will be able to make a living at this cause right now it looks like I might lose salary in December. If I can't I think I will start hosting "Slumber Parties" and sell adult novelties and enhancements. My girlfriend does it and makes a KILLING!


Scott and I have been in our condo for one year now! We moved in 4th of July last year. I can't believe it has been a year already! I guess it is time to start thinking about home improvements now that we have broken it in.

The cat's are doing fine. Duke is still licking himself bald and scratching up places. The lime dip treatment seems to be helping, but maybe he has a OCD or something and needs some kitty Prozac or something. Daisy is getting bigger every day and is finally starting to find her personality.

I think that is about it. Nothing wise or witty to say I am afraid. Have a great day everyone!

Thursday, June 23, 2005


I don't know what to say these days. Things have been busy and boring. School, work, weddings, being broke (won't be for long though). Same ol' shit different day.

I did have a few enlightening thoughts the other day I thought I may spend some time reflecting on. One was when I ran into a friend of mine a few years ago, someone I use to be involved with a youth group/bible study with and he looked up and me and asked me "Do you miss him?". It is a pretty emotional topic I think, which is maybe why I haven't written about it cause it would take some strength out of me. I think I will in a few days though. The other was one of philosophical basis. What if I don't reproduce? And by choosing not to reproduce, have I now altered history in some way? What if my child is of some significance to the world and the world doesn't change because I chose not to have children?

I know... deep thoughts....

anywho... just thought I would post a little something today since I know Jerri and Pete stare at my blog everyday waiting for things to change.

Duke and Daisy are doing good. DAISY IS GETTING SOOOO BIG!!!! and her eyes are now green. Oh and we started Duke on a Sulfur-Lime dip treatment for his aliments. Seems to be working.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Scotty Doesn't Know

** This song is from the movie Eurotrip - rent it! It is halarious!!!! So halarious I bought the movie AND the soundtrack **

Scotty doesn't know,
That Fionna and me,
Do it in my van every Sunday.
She tells him shes in church,
But she doesn't go,
Still shes on her knees,
and...Scotty doens't know,
oh.Scotty doesn't know-oh.
So don't tell Scotty!
Scotty doesn't know,Scotty doesn't know.

Fionna says shes out shopping,
But shes under me and I'm not stopping.
Cuz Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know.
So don't tell Scotty.
Scotty doesn't knoooooow....

I can't believe he's so trusting,
While I'm right behind you thrusting.
Fionna's got him on the phone,
and she's trying not to moan.
It's a three way call,and he knows nothing.
Scotty doesn't know,Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,Don't tell Scotty.
Cuz Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't knoooooow....
We'll put on a show, everyone will go.
Scotty doesn't know,Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't knoooooow....

The, parking lot, why not?
It's so cool when you're on top.
His front lawn, in the snow.
Laughing so hard, cuz...
Scotty doesn't know,Scotty doesn't know.

I did her on his birthday.

Scotty doesn't know,Scotty doesn't know,Scotty doesn't know,Scotty doesn't know,Don't tell Scotty.Scotty doesn't knoooooow....

Scotty will know,Scotty has to know,Scotty's gotta know,Gonna tell Scotty,Gonna tell him myself. Scotty has to know,Scotty has to know,Scotty has to,Scotty has to,Scotty has to go!Scotty doesn't know,(Don't tell Scotty)Scotty doesn't know,(Don't tell Scotty)Scotty doesn't know...Scotty's gotta go!

Thursday, June 09, 2005


Looks like the 49ers are in some big trouble for having a sence of humor. People in San Francisco obviously do not watch South Park or Chapelle's show or else they wouldn't be so upset.

** Aparently newspapers don't like it when you link right to the story.
GOOGLE: "49ers tape" and check out the stories from the Contra Costa Times and the Kansas City newspaper. **

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Pub Crawl 2005 Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Jeni's 21st Birthday

Getting ready to go out on the town for Jeni's 21st birthday.
We rented a limo to take us around town. Jeni rode a mechanical bull at Kickers in Pontiac; then we went to 5th Ave. in Novi; and ended the evening at Lu and Rubys in Milford with a 1:30 visit to Taco Bell in a limo! Posted by Hello

Alex, Melissa, Jeni, and Jessi Posted by Hello

Bobby, Rachel, Jeni, Jason, and Jess caught on film spanking Jeni. Posted by Hello

Scott doing his brotherly duty and making Jeni take an unknown shot. Posted by Hello

Taco Bell in the Limo Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Online Photo Album

Check out my online photo album at

Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend!


Friday, May 20, 2005

So I know I am a dork, cause I am on this huge Star Wars kick currently.

I just wanted to say that I will never see Darth Vader as evil again. To me he will forever be a Jedi lost in the dark.

We have been watching Episode IV the last few days and I totally see Darth Vader in an entirely new light. Yes he does kill Obwaon, but his dialog makes total sense now. He appears to me to still be a Jedi at heart; just a Jedi that has been seduced by the darkside. And since the Sith Lord and his power is all he has in life, he now has to pay the consequences of his actions and be Darth Vader instead of Anakin Skywalker.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Episode III

We went to the midnight showing of Star Wars last night.


but.... it broke my heart; and I cried the last 30 minutes of the movie.

I know Aniken turns, we all know that, but it still broke my heart. The scenes between him and Padamine were so awesome, you could see it in his eyes how much he loved her. I am still getting misty just thinking out it this morning.

I won't go any further until the rest of you see it; or until you tell me it is OK if I keep telling you about it.

May the force be with you....

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

So I have spent the last week staring at my friend's blogs waiting for any sign of change, and it dawned on my today that maybe they do the same thing to my blog. Go to it every day waiting to find out what stupid thing I have done next. So here I am posting...

Nothing much is going on at the moment. I did my first wedding last weekend here at Genoa Woods and we have another one this weekend. These two weddings will be a nice break in for wedding season. I have had a million calls for weddings for next year so far, but only one has booked and two have serious holds on them. So I did a calendar of all the weekends that I have to fill in 2006; 5 down, 47 to go...

Since it is wedding season I have been on a mini kick regarding my own. Since I don’t think I will ever be able to afford my Rock-Star Wedding, I think I have to come to reasoning with the honeymoon escape and come back and celebrate with an intimate dinner with the family. Still a $5,000 dinner, even with 80 people! Curses to tax and gratuity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also started up my fat blog again (no signs of anyone mean). Just me writing about my weight loss. I did find a cool web site: that seems to have 1,000's of members just like myself - all sorts of women struggling with their weight, having craving issues, and lack of motivation. I dig it. If you are like me and want to loose some weight sign up there and then let me know and we can all support each other through our own thread somewhere - maybe we will be "The Rock-Chicks"!!!!

STAR WARS!!! Comes out tonight at midnight!!! Scott and I will be going to see it Thursday night after work, cause he thinks we are to old to see it at midnight - wanker....

Well I think that is it. We are doing Relay for Life this weekend, a wedding, shower, etc... so we will be pretty busy, and my two grad classes start on Monday!!!


Sunday, May 08, 2005

Nap Time

Hmmmm.... someone likes to feel secure when they nap! Posted by Hello

Friday, May 06, 2005

Afternoon Delight

Aruba, Jamaica ooo I wanna take you to
Bermuda, Bahama come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego, baby why don’t we go

Off the Florida Keys
There’s a place called Kokomo
That’s where you wanna go to get away from it all (do do do do do do do do)
Bodies in the sand
Tropical drink melting in your hand
We’ll be falling in love
To the rhythm of a steel drum band...
Down in Kokomo

Afternoon delight
Cocktails and moonlit nights
That dreamy look in your eye
Give me a tropical contact high
Way down in Kokomo

Aruba, Jamaica ooo I wanna take you to
Bermuda, Bahama come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego baby why don’t we go

Down to kokomo
We'll get their faster and we'll take it slow
That's where we wanna go...
Way down to Kokomo

(click title-Afternoon Delight)

Friday, April 29, 2005

Name Debate

Fiona (Shannon's Pick)
or Daisy (Scott's Pick) Posted by Hello

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Fiona's Stats

Fiona is 4 weeks old and weighs 0.15 lbs. Posted by Hello

Duke - Our 2 yr old

This is Duke. He is 2 years old. Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Two-Weeks Notice

I just noticed that it has been almost two weeks since my last post.
(then I realised that a post I did last week was actually saved instead of posted - so check out "Shannon-a work in progress" below)

Not much to write about these last few days I guess. I think I have chosen a name for my kitty... well actually my sister did, which means I can kiss my own name goodbye... We have decided on "Princess Fiona" for the new kitty. I will post a picture as soon as I can. Duke, of course, is still an allergic mess. We are trying food therapy now and if this doesnt work, I may just have to give the Cat Allergist my first born to find out what is wrong with him.

My buddy Pete turned the big 3-0 this last week. We all had a blast hanging out at our favorite local establishment. It was a suprise party! As much as he didn't want to turn 30, he sure enjoyed all the attention we lavished upon him ;o)

Scott turns 31 this year, I am thinking about throwing him a suprise party since he didn't let me throw him one last year.

Jeni turns 21 May 28. We are looking into renting a limo for the evening to take us around to the local bars and maybe Pontiac. If you are interested in going, let me know :o)

Ben's Blog has had some interesting post's on it latley.
Chack it out!

That is all I can really update on. Class is going well. Only like 3 more weeks I think! Then I will start summer classes (hopefully more financial aid). I have also been reading "The idiots Guide to Weight-loss". Not a total waste of money. Has some interesting ideas in it that I had not read before.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Shannon Marshall – a work in progress

The Executive Director that I work for thought it would be fun for each of us to come up with a personal mission statement. It was suppose to reflect on our personality and how that translates into the workplace. Well, I waited till the last minute; GOOGLED "personal mission statement" and found a pretty cool link at that assists you with building a personal missions statement. After 20 minutes of reflection, here is what I came up with:

I will…
- be a reliable source of energy. In the home and in the workplace.
- always remember that my core values come from my mother.
- strive to be a steady person who takes time to look at all the details before moving on.
- be a dependable employee, sister, and friend to all who need my assistance.
- try to remember that the world does not revolve around Shannon.
- continue to express my individuality and celebrate my liberty.
- be a good and true companion to myself and others.
- continue to bring enthusiasm to work and home and support the ideas that are formed
around me.
- strive to always uphold my composure in all situations.
- remember it is ok to rely on the strengths of others and that it is ok
- always approach a client and my co-workers with sincerity and enthusiasm

I will be a reliable and steady source of enthusiasm and sincerity to those around me. I will celebrate the individuality of my team and be a dependable companion that they can rely on. I will remember to own my decisions and position and that it is ok to lean on the strengths of my fellow teammates.

I am a dependable companion that provides a strong, reliable, steady force backed with enthusiasm and sincerity.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Manicure + Sex = Heaven

I have found my new version of Heaven.

Getting a manicure while watching "Sex in the City"!

I could have died right there and been content with my life. I couldn't believe the joy I was experiencing! Getting my nails done and watching the best women centered show of all time in a nail salon where the same women gather every two weeks to talk about their lives and share some personal "paper-me" time together. I felt a certain type of euphoria surround me as we watched Season 1 - Bay of the Married Pigs.

Then my happiness was sucked out of me, when one of the nail techs came up and TURNED IT OFF! My manicurist saw the look of shock and sadness on my face as I sat wide-eyed in disbelief! WHY GOD WHHHHHYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why were they turning it off!!! Why where they ruining my one hour of happiness that I experience every two weeks! WHY!!!!!

As my nail tech read my mind and was experiencing the same horror at the same time, he leaned over and said "There are kids here now."

WHAT!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!! WHO THE HELL BROUGHT THEIR KIDS INTO NAIL SALON!!! This is OUR time! Our time to get away from kids and husbands and boyfriends! Our time to be pampered, enjoy good conversation, and this weekend we were being blessed with episodes of "Sex in the City"! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

I turned to the right to look where my nail tech was pointing, and in the corner were two pre-teens (about 9 and 11 I thought) watching the TV wide eyed at the naked Butt that had just been there for about 45 seconds.

I sat there defeated in my chair, wising people weren't so uptight about what their kids saw on television. I mean I saw "Porkey's" when I was 4!

So now I sit there watching Comedy Central, which happens to be playing "Mo-Money" and I cant decide which is worse? Frank conversations about sex, or violence, drugs, and people stealing money? Then the mother sat next to me and I about died! Total trailer trash! Long bleached out blond she-mullet hair, tattoos all up and down her arms, and she was getting a full set! An hour commitment! And me just in for a fill... Oh Holy Lord! This is the woman that sucked away my happiness! I wanted to claw her eyes out with my freshly filled nails!!!

40 minutes later, I am sitting at the UV table drying my nails and she leaves! HALAHULA!!!! and my nail tech quickly puts back on "Sex in the City" so that we may finish watching our episode. The remaining women in the salon all relax and sit back to enjoy our version of Heaven.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Name my new Kitty

... for real this time

I went to the Vet's last night and picked out a new kitty to take home in 4 weeks. A stray was found and gave birth to a litter, and I have been conned into taking a new kitty home - they tried to get me to take two! but I said one was enough!

She is a grey striped female. And I am looking for a name for her. She will be living with my other cat Duke - a black and white male. I of course think Duchess would be cute, but Scott isn't soo keen on it....

So I open the floors!
Name my kitty!

Friday, April 01, 2005

Jeni's Blog

My sister has a blog now. Sheck it out.

It is cute!

I still like Blogger better though :o)

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Gay's -vs- GOD

In the last few weeks many of us have been tested on our faith and our choices over life and death. In the home, at work, and with friends over email and blogs.

As we all use our Blogs to express personal feelings and thoughts, and we know other people from across the world read these passages and comment on our thoughts, it has come to my experience that not everyone may like what you write. This is fine. I now take it with a grain of salt as well as my other friends.

This being said, a lovley comment has spured quite the debate on my best friend Larry's blog. A debate including GOD, Jesus, the Bible, life and death, Heaven and Hell, and what being gay has to do with it all (or not). The following is my response on Larry's website to the topic at hand.

Pease visit "The Bliss Report":

Feel free to comment. Here is mine:

"Oh my... maybe Fritz and my Portugal friend should get together.

Two things I want to comment on about the Bible is:
1. It was written by MEN
2. It has been translated so many times, who knows what has been misinterpreted OR DELETED for their own benefit in controlling the masses here on Earth.

I believe in GOD, and I consider myself a Christian. I think when good 'ol Constantine established the Catholic church it was to CONTROL the people into living what HE INTREPERTED as a Godly way to live. Now we have Catholics that declare "I'm not Christian - I'm Catholic" Honey if you believe in GOD and that Jesus Christ is your savior, then I am sorry to say that makes you Christian.

Anywho.. I have digressed... I believe in GOD, and I consider myself a Christian. I believe that Jesus is the son of GOD, and that he is Jewish (he was celebrating Passover when he was betrayed); I believe in Heaven and Hell; and I believe that when we all die we are to face how we lived out our lives here on Earth. If we lived a good life where we loved our neighbor, and tried to be the best person we could to ourselves, our family and others, then I will get into Heaven. If I did not live a good life and have no remorse for the pain I caused myself, my family, and my neighbors, then I belong in Hell.

Now... if you have read Revelations in the Bible - it promises that only 12,000 people from each of the 12 tribes of Israel will be spared when "the world ends". How I interpret that is - only the Jews will be saved, not the nit picking Christians who can't read between the lines and interpret the Bible and it's life's lesson stories without someone telling them how to.

We are all here on this planet either from some intergalactic - "Stargate" miracle, or some divine entity actually thought it would be fun to play the "Sims" on a much larger level. We are to love our neighbors and ourselves and live good lives. We are not here to criticize other human beings for the way they live there lives. I believe the Bible also suggests to "Love the sinner, not the sin". Being gay can either be a choice or how you are wired. And if GOD has created us all, then he must have created Gay people for a reason. Maybe to teach us tight assed WASP Christians tolerance, and that there are larger things in life to worry about than wither or not others are going to Hell when they die for chosing to love someone of the same sex."

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Terri Schiavo

I usually don't get caught up in touchy things such as this, but this is my blog, and my opinion. John found an interesting blog on Terri. And here is my opinion:

"Good point, even I have reservations about letting her starve and dehydrate to death, BUT if her parents would have let her die naturally 15 years ago, she would have passed away under better circumstances. But, because they were unable to honor HER wishes that her and her HUSBAND had agreed too, I hold them responsible for their daughter starving to death.

I also believe that if I have the right to put my dog or cat down, I should have the right to put my parents or myself down as well. Especially if they are dieing of a slow and painful death to begin with. That is what is in-humane. Making people suffer when they are dieing, when suffering is CLEARLY the last thing any of us want to do."

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Rock Star Wedding

So I had a new wedding brain child the other day. I thought...

"wouldn't it be cool to have a rock-star wedding? like the MTV music awards or something!"

I could roll out the red carpet, have velvet rope, and "fans" screaming taking pictures and asking for autographs as my guest walk in.

THEN! also along the "red carpet" my good friends from Rock-Chicks could interview my guest like they were movie and rock stars and my friend Jason could produce it!

Then we could have passed champagne, fancy passed hors d' oeuvres, regular hors d' oeuvres, and a premium bar.

THEN! I could transform the ballroom of the banquet facility I work at into a nightclub!!! With dancing, disco balls, DJ's spinning, and light shows!

Then I looked at the total of what it would cost and determined that I would have to leave my current boyfriend and marry a REAL rock star....

Soon to be Aunt

Well my brother has gone and done it... he is reproducing...

I am very happy for my little brother (24) and his girlfriend. They found out yesterday that they are having a girl!

My dad's mother is VERY excited! My Dad is number 4 of 4 boys, and then my grandma finally had a girl on the 5th try. Then her boys all had boys, well... there are 7 grandsons and 3 grand daughters. So now that she has great-grandchildren, it seems that the girls are making a comeback. The Marshall family will welcome 3 new great-grandchildren this summer ALL GIRLS! So that now totals 4 great-granddaughters, and 1 great-grandson! Go Girls!

My brother also moved into his first apartment with his girlfriend last week. They are still in need of a few things, so I am taking him shopping tonight :o) I can't believe my little Jonny is almost married and having kids!!!! He of course will always be my little brother, even when we are old and grey.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Quote of the day:

Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.

Thanks to Jerri :o)

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Greatest Songs to rip your cloths off too

As compiled by my good friends at

Check it out!

Please ignore the idiot behind the curtin who suggested that Van Halen's Jump drum beat makes you want to rip your cloths off....

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Featured Blog: John Thorpe - Imagine No Liberals

John Thorpe is the "youngest, gumpy old man alive" and I am not just quoting his blog, I can say this as a fact. John has always had great political opinions and is someone I respect.

Thank GOD for Blogs, cause now he can rant and rave all he wants without anyone giving a flying fuck. I reciently introduced my friend John Zemke to John Thope, maybe they will become Blog sparing partners and go head on in some issues.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Electronically Updated

So I am electronically updated.

I have ordered a new Dell Palm aix30 (arriving Monday)
I have a pink iPod mini on the way (arriving Wednesday)
I have ordered cable internet and will go wireless in my home (arriving Wednesday)
and I am now driving a new Honda CRV :o)

I would like to thank Uncle Sam for assisting me in all my lifestlye updates, without him, non of this would be possible.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

New car

I bought my new car today. It is a 2000 White Honda CR-V. A very cute and nice small SUV. I figured it was time for an upgrade, since I seem to be unable to keep my little Neon in one piece. I will post a picture soon, or email out, as soon as I can download them from my mom's camera.

My new job is going great! I am being kept busy with phone calls and appointments with potential brides. Tonight I go to Emerald Events in Farmington Hills for an Open House. Should be very swanky and fun! AND I GET TO DRIVE MY NEW CAR! It has been snowing all day, so I will have to be careful...

Anywho... sorry for not posting all the time. I have been busy with my new job, class and the jaycees. I will be getting internet at home soon, so I will be able to post more often now. Nothing whitty or exciting to say... except that Cadbury Eggs are out and I have fallen off the Food Wagon...

OH! My birthday was this last Friday. There was a three day celebration with all of my family and friends. Pete got me a GREAT birthday cake for our little gathering last Friday and we had fun playing poker and singing karokee! Then Sunday we broke out the DDR with the family. My brother got an "A" on his first song, his first time every playing! I was slightly scared...
I got lots of clothes from my mom.. all of which are too big! (Yeah! and Boo...) So they will have to go back or find a new home...

I think that is about it for now. I am looking for a new kitty, a kitten, so if anyone knows of one that needs a new home, please let me know.


Friday, February 11, 2005

Need trouble? Look no more!

So I guess my cousin is correct when he says that trouble finds me, and that is runs in the family.

I have yet again totaled out my car. This time 100% my fault, though I would still like to blame a semi-truck for my accident Wednesday morning on the way to work.

So I am getting on the highway. It is icey and slushy out, so I am not going over 35 or 40 mph. But along comes a semi-truck roaring past me as I am about to merge, at the same exact time I believe I hit an icy patch which causes my back end to fish-tail slightly. Now this is a driving hazard that we all face, but at this particular moment it freaks me out because I am sliding around in my lane with a semi-truck in the next lane. Sooo... What does Shannon do? Applies break pressure (or slams on the breaks, I don't know) and now I am spinning out of control heading toward a ditch, a tree, and the end of a guard rail (ya know the square part that is reinforced because of stupid drivers like me). So I am now praying and bracing for impact hoping that I miss the guard rail and just fly into the ditch, but that is not my luck on this fine morning. I end up slamming right into the end of the guard rail on my driver side door. This nice little two-step pinches me into my driver seat with the door in my lap, a shattered window, and a shattered front window which I think is going to cave in on me at any moment. I think the only thing that saved me a little was the steering wheel. Anywho...

I call 911 and say I don't think I need an ambulance, and 15 minutes later a passer-byer stops (never mind the three cars that actually witnessed my accident) and calls an ambulance because I am to squished in. Anywho... When the medical team arrives and some cute firefighters they help me out of the car and into the ambulance. Scott arrives and oversees the tow truck try to get my car off of the barrier and tow it away. We then head off to the ER.

Everything is fine, I was able to walk away with just severe bruising and sore muscles. And now the possibility of a new car.

What a great thing to happen on your 3rd day of work!

Well things are going well here at my new job. I have had meetings and taste-testing all week and a few tours. I also never have to bring lunch ever again :o)

Thursday, February 03, 2005


Hmm... been two weeks since my last post. I have been busy working here at U-M getting ready for my move to "the real world". I have been doing a ton of overtime, which I am actually going to be paid for (YEAH); busy with school, Jaycees, and new job already. whew...

Anywho... Things are going well. I am excited to start my new job, but sad to leave my old job. Who knows, maybe in a year I will realise the new job isn't really for me and I will be back here at the U-M. But I hope not...

I am training a temp tp do my work until they hire a full time secretary. She is really good I think she will do real well.

Don't really have too much fun and exciting to say. No inspiring bits of wisdom or antics.

Oh .. I did just reciently get my Pay Pal identity stolen and had $1100 dollars transfered out of my bank account into cyber space! I have my money back already and will be closing out my bank account and getting a new one.

And I have been reading the "Shopaholic" books, I LOVE THEM!!!

Later :o)

Thursday, January 20, 2005

New Job

I am very excited to announce that I have been offered and I accepted a new job.

Starting Monday, February 7 I will be the Social Event Coordinator at Genoa Woods Conference Center in Brighton, MI!

Translation= I am being paid to plan parties!!! and weddings! and baby showers! and holiday parties!

I am soo excited! It was actually a pretty difficult decision, to make, but I am doing it! I have always had two dream jobs in life - my University dream job and my personal dream job; and this is my personal dream job! To be offered that at the age of 27 (Feb 18th) is outstanding and I cannot wait to start!

But this also means I need a new haircut and go back to having fake nails, because I must be profeshional and cute and well groomed! AND NEW CLOTHES! becuase winter doesn't last forever and I doubt I will be able to wear turtle-neck sweaters in July!

Anywho... so now I have lots to do here at work inthe next two weeks to wrap up and leave a nice profeshional image here at the University!


Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Today's Quote

"Oh, you hate your job? Why didn't you say so?

There's a support group for that.

It's called EVERYBODY, and they meet at the bar."

--Drew Carey


Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Letter to My Pets

Dear Dogs and Cats:

When I ask you to move, it means go someplace else, not switch positionswith each other so there are still two of you in the way.

The dishes with the paw print are yours and contain your food. The otherdishes are mine and contain my food. Please note: Placing a paw print inthe middle of my plate and food does not stake a claim for it becomingyour food and dish, nor do I find that aesthetically pleasing in theslightest.

The stairway was not designed by NASCAR and is not a racetrack. Beatingme to the bottom is not the object. Tripping me doesn't help, because Ifall faster than you can run.

I cannot buy anything bigger than a king size bed. I am very sorry aboutthis. Do not think I will continue to sleep on the couch to ensure yourcomfort. Look at videos of dogs and cats sleeping, they can actually curlup in a ball. It is not necessary to sleep perpendicular to each otherstretched out to the fullest extent possible. I also know that stickingtails straight out and having tongues hanging out the other end tomaximize space used is nothing but sarcasm.
My compact discs are not miniature Frisbees. Those cases the compactdiscs come in are to protect the disc and not a crunchy outer shell witha free Frisbee prize inside.

For the last time, there is not a secret exit from the bathroom. If bysome miracle I beat you there and manage to get the door shut, it is notnecessary to claw, whine, meow, try to turn the knob, or get your pawunder the edge and try to pull the door open. I must exit through thesame door I entered. In addition, I have been using bathrooms for years -- canine or feline attendance is not mandatory.

The proper order is kiss me, then go smell the other dog or cat's butt. Icannot stress this enough.

To pacify you I have posted the following message on our front door...

Rules for Non-Pet Owners Who Visit and Like to Complain About Pets:

1. They live here. You don't.

2. If you don't want their hair on your clothes, stay off the furniture. (That's why they call it "fur"niture.)

3. I like my pets a lot better than I like most people.

4. To you, it may be an animal. To me, he/she is an adopted son/daughterwho is short, hairy, walks on all fours and doesn't speak clearly.

Lastly, I'll try to keep in mind that dogs and cats are better than kids.
They eat less, don't ask for money all the time, are easier to train,
usually come when called, never drive your car, don't hang outwith drug-using friends, don't smoke or drink, don't worry about buyingthe latest fashions, don't wear your clothes, don't need a gazillion dollarsfor college, and! if they do get pregnant, you can sell the results.

Your Owner

Friday, January 14, 2005


Not much going on. And I really dont' have anything inspiring to say.

I have a mini interview of sorts this afternoon so I am leaving early at 2:30. Guess I should get some work done then seeing that it is Friday and all and I will not be here tomorrow - DRATS!

I am reading "Confessions of a Shopolic" right now. A very funny little book - the heronine is like Bridget Jones with a shopping addiction instead of a Vodka dependancy - pretty funny.

I have class on Monday, my 3 year anniversary with my boyfriend Scott, and I work all weekend. I have no idea when I will be getting any homework done :o( I think I am going to have to quit my partime job at the mall (even though it pays pretty good and I have killer hours for a part time job).

That is about it.... someday I am going to go back to blogging intelligent funny little pieces, but not today. Hopefully Jerri and I can have a "debate" of some sorts again.


Wednesday, January 12, 2005


I am starting to really like my jazzercise class. My butt hurts soo much today!!! Anywho... not much to report on besides I was so tired last night that I fell asleep at 9:30 pm!

Class is doing scuplting tonight. I think I will pass and do some excercise at home and some reading for my master's class. It's quite here today at work. Everyone is either out or at a talk right now. (and I have to potty!)

Anywho... hope everyone has a good day!

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Time to talk back

Ok... I have tried to really bite my tongue and not say anything because it just encourages you and I know that I do not have to justify myself to anyone, but I can't ignore this anymore.

1. I am happy with who I am, I am not happy with my weight. I am 5'3" and weigh over 200 lbs. That is not healthy. Now, I don’t look like I weight 200 lbs, but I am starting to feel it. I carry myself very well and my own self confidence shines past the fact that I hide a six-pack of tootsie rolls. My fat blog was created so that I could monitor my own weight loss progress and write down my thoughts and not bombard my friends with my complaints and lack of willpower to do anything about it.

2. I am a poor speller. If I happen to transpose a letter or two it is because I type faster than I think and I do not take the time to double check my posts before hitting submit. I treat my blog like a diary and I do not know anyone who spell checks their diary.

3. I don’t care what you think of me and my friends, but it has now come to a point where I feel you have gone to far and I would really appreciate it if you would stop leaving trashy remarks on any of my blogs. Feel free to read and look, I can’t stop you from that, but please, if you are going to leave any remarks, make them constructive.

Monday, January 10, 2005


Just posting today to give Pete something to read.

Drama at work because no one can communicate between offices. (Big conference, no communication = big mess = heads spinning like Excorsist)

My next master's class started last night, looks like it is going to be interesting - Administrative Research Methods. We are doing a project for the Northville Chamber of Commerance. Should be fun. Had a little trivia test last night as well on all the US Presidents. My group missed only 6 presidents. Not sure if that is good or not.

Am bored on my lunch. Left my laptop at home so I would go to the gym and walk and was kinda hoping to see Jerri today, but have found an empty desktop to keep myself busy at :o) Going to jazzercise tonight if the weather holds out a little, if not, will be making Scott do DDR with me :o)

Nothing going on this week or weekend. Should have pleanty of time to do my homework!

Sorry I have nothing inspiring or thought provoking (sp?) to say today.

OH! I got a call from the owner of Genoa Woods Conference Center last night and he wanted to set up a time to talk with me about a new position they are thinking about trying out! I am sooo geeked! He said he was so impressed with my profeshionalism and demure during an event I did there with his staff that they are thinking about hiring a full time social planner! WOO HOO!

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Sick Sick Sick....

Am very sick now.

Am starving, but can't swallow as my throat is swollen from coughing.

Have called the Dr to see if it is even worth while to go in. I hope that I have not gotten everyone else in my office sick, cause that would suck to be blamed for causing an office plague. Woops... I hear someone coughing now... it may just be too late!

Over the counter drups and drinking hot water seem to be doing the trick, but I think things are starting to drain into my ears now :o(

Hope I have not infected my friends and family since I have not stayed home in order to not infect everyone that I come in contact with :o(

I suck.... Maybe I will stay home from work tomorrow and Friday to get better seeing as I have a workshop all day Saturday and Sunday to attend, and grilling at Pete's...

Monday, January 03, 2005

New Year Tidings

Happy New Year!

Hope the holiday's treated everyone well. Santa was good to me. I got a video game - Dance Dance Revolution, a new cd player, workout clothes, new workout sneekers, cd's, DVD's, a Cabbage Patch Doll, books and some snazzy clothes and shoes.

Spent the time at home cleaning. I finally got my car fixed! it looks BRAND NEW! Having the car in the shop helped me not to shop all week, which was good. Spent New Year's Eve with some of Scott's friends and New Year's day at my parents watching football.

A ho-hum week, nothing fun or exciting to report on. Tonight will be my last night at Trivia due to my next graduate class starting next Monday. That will go until the end of Feb.

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!