Thursday, September 08, 2005

Ticketmaster Hell

I am now officially banned from purchasing any tickets to any events I wish to attend. Why? Cause every time I do, I mess something up.

First I went to a concert on the wrong day, then I bought 1 ticket on Ebay instead of 2 to a concert in Chicago, and now... I have bought tickets to something when I had a prior engagement. I suck. I should have learned before and just listened to Scott - who was right. Yes Scott, you were right dear, I should have listened to you. I swear on a stack of bibles that I will listen to you in all manners concerning purchasing tickets of any kind (concert, events, airplane, etc...) from this day on.

Today's Shameless Plug: Oktoberfest 2005, Friday September 30, 7-10 pm @ By tickets from me!!! $35 Hot off the press! Get them NOW!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blogging puts 48th soldiers in hot water
Soldiers in the 48th Brigade Combat Team have come under fire recently, and not for what they are doing on the dangerous roads of suburban Baghdad.
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