Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Hello... Anyone Out there?

Ok.... ok... ok...

Dear Blog:

I am sorry that I have been away for so long. I must admit that I have been cheating on you with Myspace, Live Journal, and Facebook; and truthfully, I regret every bit of it.

Sure they offer more bells and whistles, and there are more "friends" out there that read those than you here, buy you, my original Shano-Land Blog will always be my one true blog.

My sincere apologies that I have been neglecting you for so long. I promise to try to ink your pages more often with the crazy things that go on in my mind - after all, you are my name-sake - Shano-Land.

And... "As Elaine says, BARACK THE CASBAH!"
Hi Ben!

1 comment:

Jerri said...

Hey girlie,

long time, no talk. I decided to start using my blog. I figured that it may do me some good. Anyway, check out my first post. You may be interested to read it.