Thursday, March 23, 2006

Fred Phelps - Terriorist?

(I am pretty upset right now and really can't put how I feel right now into words.)

Fred Phelps, a Baptist minister in Topeka Kansas and is leading a campaign of people that protest at fallen soldiers funerals.

They say the soldiers are fighting for an army that represents a country that accepts homosexuality. (That would be us, the USA). Fred describes himself as an "old-time" gospel preacher who says, "You can't preach the Bible without preaching the hatred of God." (I am sorry... hatred of God? This guy isn't any better than a sucide bomber.)

He and his family have picketed and heckled military families at more than 100 funerals since June.

Fred's campaign has sparked another group to found. That's the birth of a group called the "Patriot Guard Riders." They're a volunteer group of motorcycleist that came together after hearing that so many military families were being blindsided by the protesters. They ride alongside the funeral procession protecting the family from any protesters. This last weekend, more than 400 motorcycles thundered in Dodge City to make sure Sgt. Jessie Davila's funeral was not overshadowed by the Phelps protest. (YEAH!!!!)

Since CNN started airing reports on these funeral confrontations a few weeks ago, the Patriot Guard Riders say its membership has almost tripled. More than a dozen states are now considering legislation that would restrict protesting at funerals. (YEAH!!!)

1 comment:

*Larry said...

Phelps is really insane...there is no other reason behind is hatred. How he thinks that protesting military funerals is showing his hatred towards gay people is beyond I said, he is clearly insane and has lost his mind!