Friday, February 11, 2005

Need trouble? Look no more!

So I guess my cousin is correct when he says that trouble finds me, and that is runs in the family.

I have yet again totaled out my car. This time 100% my fault, though I would still like to blame a semi-truck for my accident Wednesday morning on the way to work.

So I am getting on the highway. It is icey and slushy out, so I am not going over 35 or 40 mph. But along comes a semi-truck roaring past me as I am about to merge, at the same exact time I believe I hit an icy patch which causes my back end to fish-tail slightly. Now this is a driving hazard that we all face, but at this particular moment it freaks me out because I am sliding around in my lane with a semi-truck in the next lane. Sooo... What does Shannon do? Applies break pressure (or slams on the breaks, I don't know) and now I am spinning out of control heading toward a ditch, a tree, and the end of a guard rail (ya know the square part that is reinforced because of stupid drivers like me). So I am now praying and bracing for impact hoping that I miss the guard rail and just fly into the ditch, but that is not my luck on this fine morning. I end up slamming right into the end of the guard rail on my driver side door. This nice little two-step pinches me into my driver seat with the door in my lap, a shattered window, and a shattered front window which I think is going to cave in on me at any moment. I think the only thing that saved me a little was the steering wheel. Anywho...

I call 911 and say I don't think I need an ambulance, and 15 minutes later a passer-byer stops (never mind the three cars that actually witnessed my accident) and calls an ambulance because I am to squished in. Anywho... When the medical team arrives and some cute firefighters they help me out of the car and into the ambulance. Scott arrives and oversees the tow truck try to get my car off of the barrier and tow it away. We then head off to the ER.

Everything is fine, I was able to walk away with just severe bruising and sore muscles. And now the possibility of a new car.

What a great thing to happen on your 3rd day of work!

Well things are going well here at my new job. I have had meetings and taste-testing all week and a few tours. I also never have to bring lunch ever again :o)


Jerri said...

That sucks! I'm glad that you are ok. Will the insurance company pay out on your car again?

Mrs. M-W said...

Yes - Because this is my first accident caused by me. The other 2 this year were other people's fault. So I am either buying a used car flat out for under $3000, or putting down a nice downpayment on a new car. I may go shopping today.

Amy said...

Shannon! I'm so glad you're ok! If it makes you feel any better, I have had 5 accidents in my car, 2 within the first 6 months I had it and NONE of them have been my fault. Rear-ended at traffic lights 4 times -- all 4 claimed they either didn't see the light or thought it changed. Gee, didn't you notice that NO ONE ELSE was moving? Hmmmm. The other one a guy ran a red light and got me in the front passenger corner on a turn. What's ironic about that one is that I had to cross 4 lanes of traffic for him to hit me -- I didn't see him until it was too late. Anyway, none of the accidents totaled the car, they just made it impossible to get a decent trade out of it. One of these days it will either get totaled or I'll sell it on a street corner somewhere. ;) Anyway, I'm so glad that you are ok. I hope your new workmates were understanding. Yay for new cars!

Anonymous said...

stupid driver!
you're such a stupid woman!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to heard that you are OK !!!
Sorry about your car, the shopping for one is fun but the payments are not.
take care !!!