Friday, December 03, 2004

Sex Rules!!!

REALLY REALLY REALLY want to talk about how awesome sex was last night, but knowing who reads this, saying what I have just said has already grossed you out, so I will just way one more time OH MY GOD!

That being said, I am now convinced that having sex really does release some sort of endorphin that makes you happy, cause since I started having sex again I have been in the best mood! hehe!

Party in Pete's pants tonight, woops, party at Pete's house tonight. He isn't making dinner which makes me sad :o( I think is it because it is costing him too much, what he doesn't realize is that if he picks a meal for us, each one of us can bring a part instead of him making the entire meal. So upset that there will be no taco fiesta tonight. I was gonna make a Mountian of nachos also!

Promise not to make an ass (pronounced arse) out of myself tonight.... well maybe a little. Jr. is coming back into town, and there are some questionable pictures of him and I flotaing around from his "goodbye" party!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for not giving us all the intimite details.