Friday, December 10, 2004

I Love the Holidays (Fuck my Diet)

I love the holidays!

All sorts of goodies are brought into the office. Students bring me presents, and it is generally a happy time. My faveorite, mint fuge covered oreo's come out, egg nog is abundant, and the joy of stuffing your face till you puke is there for two solid months.

Fuck my diet. Screw your diet! You know you haven't followed it since October, cause neither have I. Just wait till January when we can all start a new lease on life and celebrate our holiday gorge and work it off on the treadmill 3x's a day starting January 2.

(January 1 = football and hang over, let's not kid ourselves people.)

So... take the advise of the holiday email below from Jerri and enjoy your holidays! Eat chocolate covered cherries, egg nog, and any other holiday cookie you can stuff in your face!


Jerri said...

You know, I'm starting to think that planning this trip to Punta Cana three weeks after Christmas was a huge mistake. Let's face it, we both know that I'm not going to sick to my freaking diet during the holidays. I have 2 freaking family Christmas' this weekend and another next week and then more on Christmas day. Guess I'm gonna have to buy some new summer "fat" clothes to wear on the trip. Son of a bitch....

ben said...

I gained 2lbs just from reading this post.