Wednesday, December 01, 2004


Ever feel like you are heading for a nervous breakdown? This is one more thing goes wrong or happens, or if you cant get a day off work you are goign to *SNAP*

I think I am heading there. Thanksgiving weekend just really sucked the life from me, too much working and not enough rest. I am carrying some sort of emotional baggage right now also that I really cant put my finger on; maybe it is just an accumulation of things:

Work Stress
To Much Work
Taking Care of Home
Scott's Mum
Brother Engaged & Expecting
Lack of Money (regular & holidays)

It is already starting to pile up. I just really hope I can make it until December 27 when I have a week off of work where I can do nothing but sleep all day.

Last night I just broke down and cried. Crawled into bed at 7:30 and just let it out. Can't tell you why, maybe it was just time. Then Scott had to come home and deal with me. Like he needs that after the week he has had. Wish he would just break down and cry also. I even took it out on my sister and kinda beat her up last night. Dont really know where to start with that, she just got on my last nerve with that potty mouth and outside voice of hers and I went after her. She hushed up pretty quick after that. Guess her bark is way bigger than her bite, she didn't realize that when you bark at me I do bite back.

Anywho... things are starting to get to me, which is why I am glad that I have this blog. It is very relaxing to just be able to sit down and get it all off my chest and out of my system. There are still a few things I have to be careful about because of who reads this, but I am mostly frank and honest with myself and others here.

Listening to U2 and The Cure
Eyes - Puffy
Soul- Sucked Dry

1 comment:

Jerri said...

I'm sorry to hear that you are having a rough week. I'm sure that everything will start to look better really soon! :)