Feel like Cameron in Ferris Bueler's Day off when he is home sick in bed and he proclaims that he's dieing and then Ferris calls him and says "You aren't dieing, you just can't think of anything good to do"
I have fallen victum to the first round of flu I think, but not *BLAH* flu, head cold, viral flu. Secretly I think my boss gave it to us, cause there are like 4 of us now all hacking away in the office. She did give me a lead on some new OTC drug called Musenix. I picked it up, a little expensive ($12.00 for a bottle of 20 pills) but I tell you THEY WORK! 30 minutes after taking the first round I felt 150% better!
Unfortunatly, that means I am at work today instead of sleeping the day away with my cat.
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Ever think that maybe sleeping with your cat is what got you sick? Just to be safe, go sneeze on your boss's chair.
I know you are sick and you probably weren't thinking with a clear head but "I'm dieing" should actually read "I'm dying"- just an fyi.
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