How many football fields do you have to walk to burn off 1 M&M
Jerri : i don't know how I made it through day before instant messenger
marshsmm: lol we surfed and pranked called each other a lot
Jerri : i wish that i still had the automated voicemail. i now have the old meridian mail
Jerri : you have to walk the length of a football field to wear off one m&m
marshsmm: ???
marshsmm: a bag on m&m's is 250 calories
Jerri : that is what Cyndi just said
marshsmm: that is 45 minutes on the treadmill
Jerri : one length of a football field is like 5 minutes!
Jerri : not a bag, just one
marshsmm: well ok... just seemed a little much for 1 m&m
Jerri : well who knows where she got that from & if it is even accurate
marshsmm: they are only like 10 calories each i think...
marshsmm: 25/250 = 10 right?
Jerri : yes
Jerri : how long does it take to burn 10 caolries walking?
marshsmm: not much
marshsmm: you burn like a calorie every few seconds
marshsmm: so if i walked to your desk back and froth 25 times a day I would burn off my bag on M&Ms
Jerri : prob less then 10 cals each. there is more then 25 m&m's in a bag i'd assume
Yes, it is now offical. We are the most boring people on the facce of the earth!
You guys make my life sound exciting.
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