Friday, October 22, 2004

Golden Showers & Falling off the Wagon

New term:
Golden Birthday- The year you turn the age of your birthday date.
ie: Shannon turned 18 on the 18th of February!

** DO NOT CONFUSE THIS TERM WITH "A GOLDEN BRITHDAY" ** - This is when everyone at your birthday party puts you in the middle of a circle, dances around you and pees on you all at the same time.

The Food Wagon:
Ever see someonone fall off the food wagon? Kinda like Julia Roberts in American's Sweethearts, when she gets pretty depressed and eats like this monster breakfast (all after she has lost like 100 lbs in the movie).

Well that is me today, well not really but I feel like it. So thank you Pot Bellies (a really yummy hot sandwich shop in Detroit and Chicago) for the ham and cheese sandwich with mayo, lettice, tomato, and hot peppers and the chocolate malt.

The power of the chocolate shake was to strong for me to deny today and I gave into the force.

My Shame is deep.... deep....

Drunk Stories
So seeing as how this is my very own blog, I kinda see it as a little way to express myself however I feel. Sometimes there will be random thoughts, random conversations, and a new addition, random stories. Now I have TONS of stories, most of which all take place while I am throughly intoxicated.

So... if there was ever a situation that you wished to see me in at some point in my life, please let me know, changes are I have done it and have a brillant story to go along with it...

I'm hot, sticky sweet, from my head to my feet... YEAH.....


Jerri said...

Def Leppard sucks.

ben said...

Yeah, what ^she^ said.