Wednesday, September 29, 2004
I am Famous!
My old friend Elaine and my cousin Ben have both started blogs! Check them out, they are two very cool people and should provide lots of entertainment!
It has been busy at work the last few days. I acquired the Bagel virus the other day and had to have my computer at work replaced. This virus took my name and sent out 1,000's of emails that all bounced back to me at about the rate of 20 every few seconds, so needless to say, the email "in box" was a little full. Who knows, I proboly infected other people, so I will still keep getting these System Administrator type emails. I apologise if anyone that I know got infected like me.
I may work out today, went for a run/walk on Monday and felt tons better after lunch (well more like a walk/trott, but no one but the skinny girls at the gym see me); or I may "run" to the postoffice and Starbucks. (hmmmm coffee... - actually felt like I was in "You've Got Mail" the other day when they announced my drink: "Venti, non-fat, light moca frap")
Now for Shannon's version of 5 Questions:
Shannon's Wish List for Wednesday, September 29, 2004:
1. Scott to stop threatening to harm the mail-man over a DVD I ordered a month ago that still hasen't come.
2. A cosmopolitian dispenser at my desk.
3. A "Here's Your Sign" sign dispenser at my desk.
4. Def Lepord to play in my friend Jerri's office during lunch break.
5. 1 Billion, Ca-zillion Dollars
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Christmas List
Crate & Barell:
Holiday Line:
4 RED martini glasses
Red serving bowl
Red plates and or ice cream bowls
I have also always wanted a Menorah, but no one has ever gotten me one. Well here is your chance!
My wish list on
I have had this for many years. What is really cool about it is you can sort by what you want o purchase (ie: books, DVD's, electronics) and by how much I want an item (ie: Must have, like to have, etc...)
I suggest everyone get a wish list on I am always updateing it. Check the comments area for things that Scott wishes for.
Search for Shannon Marshall or
Feel free to buy new/used. I do all the time and have never had any problems, shippig just can sometimes be delayed.
Well I think that is it for today.
OH - Britany Spers is a no talent ass clown and I wish she would get a VD! I am so tired of heraring about her, WHO GIVES A SHIT about wither or not she is "technically" married. I could care less. Once again, I hope she knocks herself up and becomes hollywood white trash.
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
People are idiots
Example of an idiot (or dumbass): that guy that buys the backpack on wheels. WTF! It looks like they are wheeling around a suitcase for christ's sakes!
Jessica Simpson is the hottest dumbass around.
Britney Spears is a dumbass skank.
Most of the rappers out today are just dumbasses in general.
No talent ass clowns: Kenny G, Michael BoltonRob Stewart, Phil Colins, and according to Jerri - Def Lepord. Now I wholeheartedly disagree with Def Lepord being No Talent Ass Clowns. Personally I think they are one of the greatest 80's rock-n-roll band ever! Maybe my friend just hasn't had any sugar poured on her latley.
Low riding pants: Ok... this topic really pisses me off. I am not sure if it is because I cna't wear them or what, but please all boys and gorls out there -
God gave you a waist for a reason... to hold up your pants... DO IT!
It isn't even just the skinny girls, the fat girls are doing it also! The waist has migrated 4 inches south and everyones bellys are hanging out for all the world to see. EX: My future sister in law wears dress skirts and pants on her hips. She had a baby 3 years ago and still hasn't lost the extra jiggle around her stomach. Now, since she wears stuff on her hips, the fabric cuts into this jiggle making her look 20 lbs heaver than she is. We got her in a skirt and actually put it on her natural waist and it took that 20 lbs right away. BUt she wouldn't do it... "I can't stand anythignon my waist." You know what! Tough! Wear your freeking clothes where they belong! ON your waist (or in my case slightly below - belly button area).
You have a waist... USE IT!
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
A picture of Scott and I at Dave Einfeldt's wedding (June 03). Scott was best man and I was at the freak table by myself (like sitting all by myself at a tiny little table - I was mortified!!) The photographer felt bad and took this really nice picture of us. We used it for our christmas cards last year and sent out wallets in normal cards (come on people, can't afford fancy picture cards for everyone!)
An outside picture of our new condo. Most of our friends have been over to visit, but in case you haven't here is the outside. I need to take more pictures of the inside now that we are moved in and decorated. The top 1/2 of the picture is what we own (from the balcony over). The awning is the entrance to our condo.
Monday, September 20, 2004
The Rath of Duke
Day 572 of my captivity….
It has been 3 weeks since my last entry. The humans have kept me in this leg torture device for a total of 4 weeks now. Today they took me to the kitty prison headquarters again, this time under the cover of night, well early morning I think. I have never traveled this early in the day so I did not make a fuss. The humans did not feed me or give me water either this morning. I should have known that would be the beginning of the end…..
Upon arriving to the kitty prison, I was checked in and told to “be good” (whatever that means). I will once again try to escape, but the lack of food and water has made me weak. I have a sneaky feeling that I will once again be put into the sleeping chamber and gassed. Apparently the prison guards take my threats seriously and find me a great threat to their existence. If the humans planned on really keeping me captive forever, I think they have succeeded with this leg contraption. I am not able to jump very high or run around like I use to. I may be doomed to this fate of captivity forever….. CURSES!!!!!
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Fat Ass
No really... I need to lose weight. So I am bound and determined to eat healthy and count my calories and go back to the gym... That attitude usually last till about lunchtime where I give in to the demonds that posess me and eat a hot dog (well today it was a turkey dog) and have a chocolate malt. I know.. I know.. but I counted the calories which mean that I get like 1 chicken soft taco from Taco Bell tonight for dinner.
So on this healthy crusade I spent like $130 on gercories last night and came home with fruit, veggies, frozen dinners, tuna and other "healthy" snacks. Prob the most that I have spent on groceries in quite some time. I guess when you are use to buying crap and fast foods those are cheaper than real food.
Anywho... there is my fat bitch for today. I am sure more will follow, followed by fat days where I am forced to call into work because I have nothing to wear that fits me.
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Michigan Ballot Proposal 04-02
This is a forward from the Detroit Free Press about the upcoming vote. On the ballot will unfortunately be a very important proposal to us.
In just 7 weeks, all of this could be changed for the worse.
I understand that not everyone is open minded to the thought of two men being married and some people find homosexuality to be completely wrong. I have faith that my family and friends will see through this hatred and not vote for discrimination!
Please take a look and pass this on to anyone who you might think would be helped by having a better understanding of just what it means.
If you have not already registered to vote, please do so!!! The deadline in
Subject: Questions, answers on
Detroit Free Press, MI, September 13, 2004
Questions, answers on
The proposal, brought to the ballot by a petition drive after the Legislature declined to approve it, is intended to block recognition of same-sex marriages in
This side of the presidential election, the marriage proposal has the potential to become the most hotly contested issue on the 2004 ballot. Here's a look at its highlights:
QUESTION: What does it say?
Q: What will it do?
A: Prohibit public officials in
Beyond that, proponents and opponents disagree about the amendment's reach.
Q: Why is it needed?
A: Proponents, led by Citizens for the Protection of Marriage, say the amendment is needed to preclude a redefinition of marriage by judicial action as has occurred in other places. Most notably and recently in
Opponents, led by the Coalition for a Fair Michigan, say it is not.
Q: Is
A: No. Ten other states have elections on the definition of marriage scheduled for Nov. 2. Louisianans will vote Sept. 18.
Q: Would the
A: Yes. At least as the term is in common use today -- official sanction of a marriage-like relationship between two people of the same sex. Of course,
But both sides in the debate agree that the amendment is intended to, and almost certainly would, prevent the Legislature from creating an alternative form of recognition for same-sex relationships.
Q: What about employee benefits accorded to domestic partners and their dependents by some municipalities and public universities?
A: Proponents and opponents of the amendment say they would be prohibited to the extent they mimic benefits for married employees. Opponents argue that an unspecified number of children would be unjustly deprived of health care in the process. Proponents say they believe the number would be small and that alternative coverage could be made available.
Existing contracts between public employers and employee organizations that provide such benefits would not be affected, but those provisions could not be renewed in subsequent contracts, proponents say. Opponents claim existing contracts might be subject to legal challenge.
Q: Would the prohibitions apply to employers in the private sector?
A: Proponents say no; opponents say maybe.
Q: Why not just prohibit same-sex marriage and be done with it?
A: Drafters of the amendment concluded that if the language did not specifically address other arrangements, it would leave the door open for courts to require that gay and lesbian relationships be recognized as marriages in every respect except name. That, they say, is what happened in
Q: Will the additional language -- "similar union for any purpose" -- invite lawsuits if the amendment is adopted?
A: Of course.
Julius Zomper, spokesman for the Fair Michigan group, says marriage amendment lawsuits will become a cottage industry in
Patrick Gillen, an attorney with the
Gillen also notes that every significant constitutional amendment ever enacted has been extensively interpreted by courts. Furthermore, he says, simplifying the language -- or even dropping the proposal altogether -- wouldn't put an end to litigation over marriage rights.
Q: If approved by voters, will this put an end to the debate?
A: No.
Advocates of same-sex marriage have not been dissuaded by electoral setbacks elsewhere. In six statewide votes around the country on the issue since 1998, backers of traditional marriage have failed to win by a greater than a 2-1 margin only once (in
But legal challenges to the states' refusal to recognize nontraditional marriage have increased.
Q: What kind of campaigns should we expect?
A: It depends in large part on how successful each side is organizing and raising money.
Citizens for the Protection of Marriage put on a remarkable performance collecting 500,000 petition signatures without having much of either in place at the outset. The group plans to continue to rely heavily on a grassroots participation, especially from the religious community and social conservatives. Campaign director Marlene Elwell says she also is trying to raise money for a media campaign.
Q: Would
A: Opponents of the proposal say they believe a prohibition on benefits for same-sex couples would harm employee recruitment, especially at public universities, and send a signal that
Proponents of the amendment say they don't believe domestic partner benefits are a significant factor in the state's overall reputation or business climate.
Q: Is the ballot proposal being pushed by Republicans because they think it will increase the turnout of voters who will support President George W. Bush?
A: The ballot proposal committee is officially nonpartisan. The Michigan GOP has endorsed the proposal, while state Democrats generally regard it as unnecessary and divisive.
The effect on turnout, however, is uncertain in a presidential election year, especially one in which passions are running as high as they seem to be on Bush and Democratic opponent John Kerry. Even less certain is whether higher turnout would help Bush, since polling indicates some of the strongest support for the amendment is among African-American voters, who are expected to vote overwhelmingly for Kerry.
Contact DAWSON BELL at 313-222-6604 or
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Monday, September 13, 2004
Too Long since last post
Well nothing to much has happened the alst two weeks. I did get to go to the U of M -vs- Miami (Ohio) game on the 5th. That is always lots of fun! When the band took the field it was so beatuiful that I cried! If you have never made it to the Big House, I highly recommend it, even if it is to see U of M play a smaller team.
I have played poker a few times the last few weeks. I like playing poker, usually I do not play though because I can't stand to loose my money that way, but I have played reciently and enjoyed it a lot. I have not won, but I did manage to hold on to $10 worth of chips last Sat for 3 hours! I great accomplishment I think considering by the time I went out several boys had all ready lost their shirts and were investing way more money then they should have in the game :)
Duke still has a cast on his leg. We are hoping he will be as good a new in a few weeks.
Had a girls night out date with my friend Jerri. We watched Bridget Jones, Superstar, and drank lots of daquires and ate tubed cookie dough :o) It was wonderful!
My father had a football party on Sat for the U of M -vs- Notre Dame game. We will just leave it at that. Sloppy Joe's were eaten and spilled (you know who you are - Sloppy Joe Tittied Bitch) and lots of beer was consumed! Thanks to all who made it out for football and poker!
My graduate class started a few weeks ago - Communication & Change: The Diffusion of New Ideas. It is all right. I think I am enjoying it more than some of my classmtes.
OH! I GOT A COMPUTER! Dell took mercy upon my poor credit sole and granted me a credit line - enought to afford a new laptop computer! HURRA! I am now owner of 1 Dell Inspiron 1150 with all the upgraded jazz... I am very happy and we seem to be getting along fine for now. She has wireless internet and Windows XP Profeshional. Scott seems to like her as well.
Oh and Jeni brok up with yet another boyfriend! Not sure which one this is, I think Darren. She is all ready to move on to a new one. If anyone is interested in dateing my sister her email is: and she works at Lu & Ruby's in Milford. Ask for Jeni (or little Jeni).
I think that is it. No major plans for the week or weekend. Have some homework to catch up on, some Jaycee stuff to type up, and I think Scott and I are going to to pick raspberries on Saturday.