Wednesday, December 22, 2004

2 Days till Christmas

and all through the house.... not a pot was clean... not even a pint glass...

Not much going on. Had Christmas with my fmaily last Sunday because my brother is leaving for Arazonia today. Will had Christmas on Christmas day with my mother's family and Scott and his family. Will also go to my aunts on Christmas Eve for annual dinner. I am cat sitting for my boss and taking my car in to be fixed finally the week after Christmas. Not sure what Scott is getting me for Christmas.

We are on a skeleton crew here at work. I have projects I can do, but don't feel like doing. May take a long lunch tomorrow, but haven't decided yet.

Stupid snow.... It is suppose to snow 6 - 10 inches tonight. Freck'n-A....

Anyway... I hope everyone has a good Christmas and a happy New Year. I am off of work the entire week after Christmas so if you are bored give me a call or stop over. My car will be in the shop, so I dont know if I will have wheels or not.

I will be out of email and internet access until January 3. Looking forward to that pile of junk mail when I get back.


Friday, December 17, 2004

I love presents!

Presents for you, presents for me... I love to get present, from under the tree...

hehe... I had 3 presents waiting for me at my desk this morning! Christmas has hit the office! I have gotten really cool bookmarks, an ordainment, Cherry Republic candy!, RUM BALLS! and wine!, and a really cool holiday bobble frog - Alowiches!

hehe! And there is our big holiday lunch today with a white elephant!

Thursday, December 16, 2004


Well office holiday crap has hit the fan.

Had two parties yesterday, a staff meeting today, and another party tomorrow. Kinda hard to get work done when I have to spend an entire day at lunch and at a holiday party, which is what I did on Wednesday. Have also been doing nothing but eating crap the last two days. Actually can't wait till that ends.

Nothing much going on. I have sent all my christmas cards, wraped all my presents, and I am enjoying the season. May play some poker at Pete's house on Friday as a fundraiser for our Adopt-a-Family. We failed to reach our goals at a gift wrapping day at Borders.


also can't wait to play poker with my pink poker chips :o)

Friday, December 10, 2004

I Love the Holidays (Fuck my Diet)

I love the holidays!

All sorts of goodies are brought into the office. Students bring me presents, and it is generally a happy time. My faveorite, mint fuge covered oreo's come out, egg nog is abundant, and the joy of stuffing your face till you puke is there for two solid months.

Fuck my diet. Screw your diet! You know you haven't followed it since October, cause neither have I. Just wait till January when we can all start a new lease on life and celebrate our holiday gorge and work it off on the treadmill 3x's a day starting January 2.

(January 1 = football and hang over, let's not kid ourselves people.)

So... take the advise of the holiday email below from Jerri and enjoy your holidays! Eat chocolate covered cherries, egg nog, and any other holiday cookie you can stuff in your face!

Shannon Making Christmas Cookies

I almost peed my pants laughing! Thanks Pete!

Christmas Cookies

1 cup of water
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup of sugar
1 tsp salt
1 cup of brown sugar
lemon juice
4 large eggs
1 cup nuts
2 cups of dried fruit
1 bottle Jose Cuervo Tequila

Sample the Cuervo to check quality.

Take a large bowl, check the Cuervo again, to be sure it is of the highest quality, pour one level cup and drink.

Turn on the electric mixer...Beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl.
Add one teaspoon of sugar...Beat again.

At this point it's best to make sure the Cuervo is still OK, try another cup ... just in case.

Turn off the mixerer thingy. Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit, Pick the frigging fruit off floor... Mix on the turner. If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaterers just pry it loose with a drewscriver.

Sample the Cuervo to check for tonsisticity.

Next, sift two cups of salt, or something. Who giveshz a sheet.

Check the Jose Cuervo. Now shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts. Add one table.

Add a spoon of sugar, or somefink. Whatever you can find. Greash the oven.

Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over. Don't forget to beat off the turner.

Finally, throw the bowl through the window, finish the Cose Juervo and make sure to put the stove in the dishwasher.


Thursday, December 09, 2004

Holiday Eating Tips

Holiday Eating Tips

*From an email I got from Jerri

1. Avoid carrot sticks. Anyone who puts carrots on a holiday buffet table knows nothing of the Christmas spirit. In fact, if you see carrots, leave immediately. Go next door, where they're serving rum balls.

2. Drink as much eggnog as you can. And quickly. Like fine single-malt scotch, it's rare. In fact, it's even rarer than single-malt scotch. You can't find it any other time of year but now. So drink up! Who cares that has 10,000 calories in every sip? It's not as if you're going to turn into an eggnog-aholic or something. It's a treat. Enjoy it. Have one for me.
Have two. It's later than you think. It's Christmas!

3. If something comes with gravy, use it. That's the whole point of gravy.
Gravy does not stand alone. Pour it on. Make a volcano out of your mashed potatoes. Fill it with gravy. Eat the volcano. Repeat.

4. As for mashed potatoes, always ask if they're made with skim milk or whole milk. If it's skim, pass. Why bother? It's like buying a sports car with an automatic transmission.

5. Do not have a snack before going to a party in an effort to control your eating. The whole point of going to a Christmas party is to eat other people's food for free. Lots of it. Hello?

6. Under no circumstances should you exercise between now and New Year's.
You can do that in January when you have nothing else to do. This is the time for long naps, which you'll need after circling the buffet table while carrying a 10-pound plate of food and that vat of eggnog.

7. If you come across something really good at a buffet table, like frosted Christmas cookies in the shape and size of Santa, position yourself near them and don't budge. Have as many as you can before becoming the center of attention. They're like a beautiful pair of shoes. If you leave them behind, you're never going to see them again.

8. Same for pies. Apple. Pumpkin. Mincemeat. Have a slice of each. Or, if you don't like mincemeat, have two apples and one pumpkin. Always have three. When else do you get to have more than one dessert? Labor Day?

9. Did someone mention fruitcake? Granted, it's loaded with the mandatory celebratory calories, but avoid it at all cost. I mean, have some standards.

10. One final tip: If you don't feel terrible when you leave the party or get up from the table, you haven't been paying attention.

Remember this motto to live by:

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, margarita in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Funny Feeling

Ever get a funny feeling that one (or more) of your friends is just plain tired of you and all your shit?

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

My little sister Jeni! She is so cute! Posted by Hello

Working at the M Den. Snuck my tongue out at the last second :o) Posted by Hello

Joe Fuckin Perry

Excellent interview this week on RockChicks!

Check it out!

Joe Perry Interview

Monday, December 06, 2004

1 Martini, 3 Martini, 5 Martini... FLOOR

It has been three weeks since my last entry about belligerence and debauchery, so I guess it is about time for a new story.

Have been a very good girl the last two weekends. Have had a get together every weekend since the November 13th incident and have successfully enjoyed myself without creating trouble.

Thought I had things under control, then I met Cosmopolitian, and he brought 2 more friends also with the name Cosmopolitian, and then Uncle Smineroff was all gone, so we found a Green Lizzard and a Bloody Martini (I was dared to make a hot-pink martini) to replace him.

That is all I can report on.

I am sure that I provided pleanty of entertainment, which is what Pete always hopes for. But I have to admit, that Drunk Girl is getting a little to old to keep pretending that she is Tara Reid, so I am afraid that we may have to say farwell to the life and embarassment of all of our parties. At least until the shock collar comes off and she is allowed to dive into Pete's pantry once again.

ps - I have no clue how Tucker Max does it? How does he end up just as intoxicated as me and live to tell his stories?

Friday, December 03, 2004

Sex Rules!!!

REALLY REALLY REALLY want to talk about how awesome sex was last night, but knowing who reads this, saying what I have just said has already grossed you out, so I will just way one more time OH MY GOD!

That being said, I am now convinced that having sex really does release some sort of endorphin that makes you happy, cause since I started having sex again I have been in the best mood! hehe!

Party in Pete's pants tonight, woops, party at Pete's house tonight. He isn't making dinner which makes me sad :o( I think is it because it is costing him too much, what he doesn't realize is that if he picks a meal for us, each one of us can bring a part instead of him making the entire meal. So upset that there will be no taco fiesta tonight. I was gonna make a Mountian of nachos also!

Promise not to make an ass (pronounced arse) out of myself tonight.... well maybe a little. Jr. is coming back into town, and there are some questionable pictures of him and I flotaing around from his "goodbye" party!


Thursday, December 02, 2004

Girls Rule!

Feeling much better today! YEAH!
Went out to dinner and for beer las tnight with Jerri! Let me tell you a little girl power goes a long way. JERRI ROCKS THE CASBAH!

Went home, lit up some candles and had a nice talk with Scott about his family and both of our feelings about what is going on. He is now mostly sad while I am still angry. He is the better man when it comes to forgiving. I however have a very hard time forgiving people who have betrayed me and lied to me as much as his mother has. I still haven't fully forgiven my father for things he did 10 years ago.

So I think both of us are doing better today. He does want me to go over to the house and "pick stuff out", I really don't want to, but I guess I am.

Party at Pete's house Friday night! To celebrate the Return of Tater Salad!! V.excited about that!

One more day to go before the weekend! Hurrah!

ps - pms'ing, so have been v.bad last two days with food!

Wednesday, December 01, 2004


Ever feel like you are heading for a nervous breakdown? This is one more thing goes wrong or happens, or if you cant get a day off work you are goign to *SNAP*

I think I am heading there. Thanksgiving weekend just really sucked the life from me, too much working and not enough rest. I am carrying some sort of emotional baggage right now also that I really cant put my finger on; maybe it is just an accumulation of things:

Work Stress
To Much Work
Taking Care of Home
Scott's Mum
Brother Engaged & Expecting
Lack of Money (regular & holidays)

It is already starting to pile up. I just really hope I can make it until December 27 when I have a week off of work where I can do nothing but sleep all day.

Last night I just broke down and cried. Crawled into bed at 7:30 and just let it out. Can't tell you why, maybe it was just time. Then Scott had to come home and deal with me. Like he needs that after the week he has had. Wish he would just break down and cry also. I even took it out on my sister and kinda beat her up last night. Dont really know where to start with that, she just got on my last nerve with that potty mouth and outside voice of hers and I went after her. She hushed up pretty quick after that. Guess her bark is way bigger than her bite, she didn't realize that when you bark at me I do bite back.

Anywho... things are starting to get to me, which is why I am glad that I have this blog. It is very relaxing to just be able to sit down and get it all off my chest and out of my system. There are still a few things I have to be careful about because of who reads this, but I am mostly frank and honest with myself and others here.

Listening to U2 and The Cure
Eyes - Puffy
Soul- Sucked Dry

Monday, November 29, 2004

Morning after a Holiday Break at Work

It is 8:21 am Monday mornig after Thanksgiving.

I sit at the front desk.

I see everyone come into the office in the morning.

Why in the hell do they find it necessary to bombard me with "How was your Thanks Giving?" in bright cheery voisce at 8:21 am?

I have had 4 "How was your Thinksgiving?" in the last 5 minutes.

I already told one person "It sucked thanks!" of course it was a nice shocked look on her face... "oh... I'm sorry"

Don't be sorry that I had a sucky weekend, be sorry you asked me. If you dont really care, dont ask! I know it is all about being nice and friendly in the morning, but please people, give me two hours! "I am tired and cranky and wish I was still in bed, how are you?"

Thanksgiving didn't totally suck, the day was nice, shopping on Friday was nice, even working at the mall on Sat and Sunday wasen't to bad. What sucked was I didn't get to sleep in once all weekend and was going non-stop from 8 am - midnight all weekend long.

So maybe my problem isn't Thanksgiving sucked, but Monday is sucking pretty hard right now. If I was a guy I may be enjoying Monday, but I am not.

Happy fucking Monday!

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Day Before Thanksgiving

I'm all alone la la la la....

They are all gone... I am all alone in my office because my mom can't leave her desk early. I guess I could continue to work, but what fun would that be. So I am typing on my blog, making copies, and watching Friends on my laptop. It is kinda fun having two computers going at the same time.

Anywho.... We are going to Scott's grandma's for Thanksgiving. Not sure how that is going to go. There is a HUUUGGGGGGGEEEEEEEE thing going on in Scott's family right now, something I am not at liberty to talk about at this time (but I promise that I will tell you as soon as I can). Lets just say at this point I would rather eat with my own family than his. So we will see.

Now tonight is the biggest bar night of the year. Usually I go out, get drunk and am too hung over to eat dinner. Not sure if we will be going out tonight, but $1 Bud-Lite drafts and karoke with my mom sound pretty good right now.

Anywho.... Ross and Rachel just broke up AGAIN and Chanler will always be the guy that peed on Monica.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Bathroom eekkkkkssss!

Dont you hate it when you go to the bathroom and you know who is next to you and then....

... they have to do #2, and it isnt a pretty poop, but a full blown poop.

Just kinda gross to think about really, guess you had to be there, but is most upsetting when you know you are sitting next to your female boss and you are both pooping....

Friday, November 19, 2004



I love the mocas, and I usually get them with a shot of mint.

AND I am addicted to Java Chip Frappachinos...

Here is where things will start taking a turn for the worse.

Starbucks just reciently posted their nutrition facts on their coffee's on their web site, I know it hasent been there before cause I have checked.

Today I found out that the Venti - Java Chip - Frappachinos (w/ whipped cream) that I drank every day all summer ($5 a pop = lunch) are 650 calories and 25 grams of fat!

woops...... could be why I didnt loose weight this summer even though I worked out every day...

Now they have Frappachino Lights, but they aren't that good either. Even though lower in calories (350 compaired to 650) they are still high in fat. Not sure why this is so since they use a non-fat milk mixture and no whipp, could be the web site is wrong and is pulling the data from the wrong place. anywho....

I also looked up my other fave drink (Grande Mint Moca). Whole milk and whipped cream are 400 calories and 22 grams of fat (Very bad!). Today I had a non fat, no whip wich cuts the claories to 230 and 2 grams fat instead of 22. (Very good!)

Anywho... Just found that interesting.... so if you are a Starbucks lover like me, here is the web site to check out how many calories you are drinking...

Now that I think about it, this would be why I gained 20 lbs my first year of college, cause I lived at the coffee house and drank like 4 Grande Mint Mocas a night... holy crap!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Fat Ass 2

So.... felling all Bridget Jones I think it would help me to document all that I have eaten on my blog in hopes of obtaining the support I need to lose weight. I prob will never lose weight, well at least really start trying in the New Year, always seems like good time to start. My brother is getting married next September - vg goal to aim for - and I am sure someday I will be married also and I do not want to waddle down the isle like a Macy's Day blimp.

So for today I did not make it very far on the stay away from crap plan. I gave in at 9:00 for a chocolate/chocolate York Peppermint patty. So today I have eaten 1 hard boiled egg, 5 Hershey kisses (mint) and at least 6 mini York peppermint patty's; oh and for lunch I had cheese tortellini left overs from the "sensible dinner" I made on Monday night.

Yesterday I did pretty good. 2 eggs, leftovers, but then I made pizza for dinner and had 1/2 all to myself. A 8x8 personal pan pizza with mushrooms and cheese and ranch for dipping. Oh.. then I had a milk-shake for dessert (non-fat organic milk, ice, and java chocolate syrup)

*big sigh* I really need to stop talking the talk and start walking the walk... starting Monday I am putting myself into pre-training for the new year, of course I have been saying this for a month, but I really mean it. Though if I were rich I would get a personal trainer, go on trim-spa and have some plastic surgery done... worked for Anna....

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Drunken' Sailors

I am a total and complete mug, asshole, drunkard, annoying, mean bitch, and I apologize to everyone who was subjected to my behavior this weekend.

I know there is always “one in a crowd” and in our group we tend to take turns, but my behavior was still unacceptable, and I will use all of my powers to make sure that behavior like that is not repeated.

For those of you now interested in what happened, I seemed to have consumed 1/2 a 5th (or more) of rum on Saturday. What resulted (I have heard) was some of the most annoying, loud, and lude behavior in a long, long time. No clothing was removed, but plenty of fuck's and middle fingers, and insults were released from my mouth and plastered all over my loved ones.

Apparently when you get tooooo drunk, the little guy who runs the gate in your head that stops you from saying stuff you normally wouldn't passed out WWWWAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY before you do.

Some terms I have heard from multiple people at different times:

“If I had know you were drinking Morgan, I would have stopped you a long time ago”

“Gee Marshall I didn’t realize you had drunk so much Morgan, I thought you were just drinking coke all night”

“Guess you give a new meaning to drunken’ sailor”

And my favorite: “I didn’t know that sailors had turrets”

So as the world turns, so do the migraines of hangovers….
And I plan on never behaving that way again, will it actually happen, probably not, but I will do my best to be a grown-up from now on.

Anyone up for Bridget Jones II on Friday night? :o)

Friday, November 12, 2004

Recipe for a Hangover

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse

2 Rum & Cokes
1 Jagger Bomb
2 Shots Jagger
1 Jack & Coke
1 pint Boddingtons Beer

Directions:Consume all and shake vigerously on the dance floor.

Number Of Servings:1
Preparation Time:4 hours

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Grease 2

I don't care what the critics have said!

It could be the fact that I am a Gen-Xer and was like 2 when the original came out so I found it incredibly boring until I was in college and could appreciate the original. 1 is still good, Beauty School Drop Out, Summer Love'n and One that I Want are classics! They even have been re-mixed and are staples at weddings and bars.

Now I must have been around 5 by the time Grease 2 came out on HBO cause that is when I remember seeing it and I LOVED IT! CoolRider, Gonna Score, Do it for America, Reproduction, Girl for All Seasons! I MEAN COME ON! The songs and dance sequels were WAY better that the original. Now I know that I am in the minority on this issue, I was even blown away the other day when my friend Jerri said she was going bowling and I came back and said "Oh yeah? You gonna score tonight? You gonna rock, gonna roll, gonna bop, gonna score?" and she came back "yep... I may even find my C-O-O-L-R-I-D-E-R!" HOLY CRAP! She got my way obscure joke that I didn't think anyone in the world would have gotten!

Secondly the guys and girls were hotter! Maxwell Caulfield (see Empire Records ), Adrian Zmed (see Bachelor Party; TJ Hooker) - who actually does sing in the movie, were total babes! Granted these two guys (or anyone from the cast) really haven't done much since Grease 2, but the movie didn't seem to hurt Michele Pfeiffer's career (she left that one to Batman Returns*). Even in Grease 1, only Olivia and John's careers took off... they were the leading couple in a million horrible 80's love movies! Those actually tanked their careers, until Pulp Fiction for John (now I am off the subject).

So for all you "Coolriders" and "Girl for All Season's" out there, we salute you! Stand up for what you believe in and declare Grease 2 the best of the series! To this day it remains my favorite Grease movie. To totally confess and tell you the truth, it ruined high school for me cause I thought high school was really going to be like that.... all singing and dancing and loving life and school... boy was I disappointed.

*Note: I love the Batman series and hold it up to the highest regard on comic book crossovers, (will do an entire blog dedicated to that soon) but most of the actors regret doing the movies, hence the comment.

Kids in the Hospital

Two little kids are in a hospital, lying on stretchers next to each other, outside the operating room.

The first kid leans over and asks, "What are you in here for?"

The second kid says, "I'm in here to get my tonsils out and I'm a little nervous."

The first kid says, "You've got nothing to worry about. I had that done when I was four. They put you to sleep, and when you wake up they give you lots of Jell-O and ice cream. It's a breeze."
The second kid then asks, "What are you here for?"

The first kid says, "A Circumcision."

And the second kid says, "Whoa, Good luck buddy, I had that done when I was born. Couldn't walk for a year."

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Revocation of the Independence of the United States of America

Notice of Revocation of IndependenceTo the citizens of the United States of America

In the light of your recent failure to elect a reasonable President and thusto govern yourselves, we hereby give notice of the revocation of your independence, effective today...... Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will resume monarchical duties over all states, commonwealths and other territories. Except Utah, which she does not fancy.

Your new Prime Minister (Tony Blair for the 97.85% of youwho have until now been unaware that there is a world outside your borders)will appoint a Minister for America without the need for further elections. Congress and the Senate will be disbanded. A questionnaire will be circulated next year to determine whether any of you noticed.

To aid to the transition to a British Crown Dependency, the following rules are introduced with immediate effect:

* You should look up "revocation" in the Oxford English Dictionary. Then look up "aluminium". Check the pronunciation guide. You will be amazed atjust how wrongly you have been pronouncing it. Generally, you should raise your vocabulary to acceptable levels.

*Look up "vocabulary". Using the same 27 words interspersed with filler noises such as "like" and "you know" is an unacceptable and ineffective formof communication.

*Look up "interspersed".* There is no such thing as "US English". We will let Microsoft know on yourbehalf.

* You should learn to distinguish between English and Australian accents. Itreally isn't that hard.

* Hollywood will be required to occasionally cast English actors as the goodguys.

* You should relearn your original national anthem, God Save The Queen, butonly after carrying out task one. We would not want you to get confused and give up half way through.

* You will no longer be allowed to play American football. There is only one kind of football. What you refer to as "football" is not a very good game. The 2.15% of you who are aware that there is a world outside your borders may have noticed that no one else plays American football. Instead you should play proper football. Initially, it would be best if you played with the girls. It is a difficult game. Those of you brave enough will, in time, be allowed to play rugby(which is similar to American football, but does not involve stopping for a rest every 20 seconds or wearing full body armour like nancies).

* The fourth of July is no longer a public holiday. The 3rd of November will be a new national holiday, but only in Britain. It will be called "Stupidity Day".

* All American cars are hereby banned. They are crap and it is for your own good. When we show you German Cars, you will understand what we mean.

* Please tell us who killed JFK. It's been driving us crazy.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Jerri and I at the reunion (we did the check-in table and MC'ing). Taken by the class drunk girl. hehe.. she was funny! ... gee.... time to lose a few pounds before my 10 year in 2 years! Posted by Hello

My mommy & daddy at my mom's 30-Year HS reunion (11/05/04) Posted by Hello

Close-up of the door. Looks like I took a can opener to her! Posted by Hello

My poor car. I got into a little accident with a Semi-truck on Friday. The far-away view doesnt look as bad as the close-ups.  Posted by Hello

Monday, November 08, 2004

My car is Dead (well i think)

Well not that it was my fault, or my choice, but I seem to ahve sent my car to an early grave.

On Friday afternoon my car decided to dance with a semi truck. I was not hurt, but my car suffered major cosmetic injuries. The entire driver side of the car needs to be replaced. I am afrade that this will cost more than my little teal neon is worth and I will be fored to climb in and out of the passenger side door the rest of my life or get a new car, which I do not have the money for in my current budget.

The truck and I were traveling side by side in downtown Ann Arbor and he decided to get over int my lane. What resulted was my (and his) first car accident ever. The tail end of his semi scraped along the entire length of my car, damageing everything from my rear 1/4 pannel to the front bumper.

Anywho... I am ok, but I am afraid that I will have to say good-bye to the very first car I ever bought!

... Please a moment of silence for Iris....

We go to the adjuster next Monday, at that time I will know if they total her or not.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Michael Moore on Bush's Reelection

17 Reasons Not to Slit Your Michael Moore

Dear Friends,

Ok, it sucks. Really sucks. But before you go and cash it all in, let's,
in the words of Monty Python, "always look on the bright side of life!"
There IS some good news from Tuesday's election.

Here are 17 reasons not to slit your wrists:

1. It is against the law for George W. Bush to run for president again.

2. Bush's victory was the NARROWEST win for a sitting president since
Woodrow Wilson in 1916.

3. The only age group in which the majority voted for Kerry was young
adults (Kerry: 54%, Bush: 44%), proving once again that your parents are
always wrong and you should never listen to them.

4. In spite of Bush's win, the majority of Americans still think the
country is headed in the wrong direction (56%), think the war wasn't
worth fighting (51%), and don't approve of the job George W. Bush is
doing (52%). (Note to foreigners: Don't try to figure this one out. It's
an American thing, like Pop Tarts.)

5. The Republicans will not have a filibuster-proof 60-seat majority in
the Senate. If the Democrats do their job, Bush won't be able to pack
the Supreme Court with right-wing ideologues. Did I say "if the
Democrats do their job?" Um, maybe better to scratch this one.

6. Michigan voted for Kerry! So did the entire Northeast, the birthplace
of our democracy. So did 6 of the 8 Great Lakes States. And the whole
West Coast! Plus Hawaii. Ok, that's a start. We've got most of the fresh
water, all of Broadway, and Mt. St. Helens. We can dehydrate them or
bury them in lava. And no more show tunes!

7. Once again we are reminded that the buckeye is a nut, and not just
any old nut -- a poisonous nut. A great nation was felled by a poisonous

May Ohio State pay dearly this Saturday when it faces Michigan.

8. 88% of Bush's support came from white voters. In 50 years, America
will no longer have a white majority. Hey, 50 years isn't such a long
time! If you're ten years old and reading this, your golden years will
be truly golden and you will be well cared for in your old age.

9. Gays, thanks to the ballot measures passed on Tuesday, cannot get
married in 11 new states. Thank God. Just think of all those wedding
gifts we won't have to buy now.

10. Five more African Americans were elected as members of Congress,
including the return of Cynthia McKinney of Georgia. It's always good to
have more blacks in there fighting for us and doing the job our
candidates can't.

11. The CEO of Coors was defeated for Senate in Colorado. Drink up!

12. Admit it: We like the Bush twins and we don't want them to go away.

13. At the state legislative level, Democrats picked up a net of at
least 3 chambers in Tuesday's elections. Of the 98 partisan-controlled
state legislative chambers (house/assembly and senate), Democrats went
into the 2004 elections in control of 44 chambers, Republicans
controlled 53 chambers, and 1 chamber was tied. After Tuesday, Democrats
now control 47 chambers, Republicans control 49 chambers, 1 chamber is
tied and 1 chamber (Montana House) is still undecided.

14. Bush is now a lame duck president. He will have no greater moment
than the one he's having this week. It's all downhill for him from here
on out -- and, more significantly, he's just not going to want to do all
the hard work that will be expected of him. It'll be like everyone's
last month in 12th grade -- you've already made it, so it's party time!
Perhaps he'll treat the next four years like a permanent Friday,
spending even more time at the ranch or in Kennebunkport. And why
shouldn't he? He's already proved his point, avenged his father and
kicked our ass.

15. Should Bush decide to show up to work and take this country down a
very dark road, it is also just as likely that either of the following
two scenarios will happen: a) Now that he doesn't ever need to pander to
the Christian conservatives again to get elected, someone may whisper in
his ear that he should spend these last four years building "a legacy"
so that history will render a kinder verdict on him and thus he will not
push for too aggressive a right-wing agenda; or b) He will become so
cocky and arrogant -- and thus, reckless -- that he will commit a
blunder of such major proportions that even his own party will have to
remove him from office.

16. There are nearly 300 million Americans -- 200 million of them of
voting age. We only lost by three and a half million! That's not a
landslide -- it means we're almost there. Imagine losing by 20 million.
If you had 58 yards to go before you reached the goal line and then you
barreled down 55 of those yards, would you stop on the three yard line,
pick up the ball and go home crying -- especially when you get to start
the next down on the three yard line? Of course not! Buck up! Have hope!
More sports analogies are coming!!!

17. Finally and most importantly, over 55 million Americans voted for
the candidate dubbed "The #1 Liberal in the Senate." That's more than
the total number of voters who voted for either Reagan, Bush I, Clinton
or Gore.
Again, more people voted for Kerry than Reagan. If the media are looking
for a trend it should be this -- that so many Americans were, for the
first time since Kennedy, willing to vote for an out-and-out liberal.
The country has always been filled with evangelicals -- that is not
news. What IS news is that so many people have shifted toward a
Massachusetts liberal. In fact, that's BIG news. Which means, don't
expect the mainstream media, the ones who brought you the Iraq War, to
ever report the real truth about November 2, 2004. In fact, it's better
that they don't. We'll need the element of surprise in 2008.

Feeling better? I hope so. As my friend Mort wrote me yesterday, "My
Romanian grandfather used to say to me, 'Remember, Morton, this is such
a wonderful country -- it doesn't even need a president!'"

But it needs us. Rest up, I'll write you again tomorrow.


Michael Moore

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

I'm dieing

Feel like Cameron in Ferris Bueler's Day off when he is home sick in bed and he proclaims that he's dieing and then Ferris calls him and says "You aren't dieing, you just can't think of anything good to do"

I have fallen victum to the first round of flu I think, but not *BLAH* flu, head cold, viral flu. Secretly I think my boss gave it to us, cause there are like 4 of us now all hacking away in the office. She did give me a lead on some new OTC drug called Musenix. I picked it up, a little expensive ($12.00 for a bottle of 20 pills) but I tell you THEY WORK! 30 minutes after taking the first round I felt 150% better!

Unfortunatly, that means I am at work today instead of sleeping the day away with my cat.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

SoL True Hollywood Story: Def Leppard

So as some of you can see, Shannon likes Def Leppard. Now she doesn't "obsess" over Def Leppard, and the frequent mention of this band on Shan-O-Land is actually ment to annoy Jerri.

Now Shannon does think that Pour Some Sugar on Me is one of the best hair band 80's song ever, (along with We Built this City by Jefferson Airplane/Starship/whatever; WHICH was the #1 Best Worst Song EVER on Vh1, so we really know where Shannon's, we will call it "varied", taste comes from) so to prove to Jerri that Def Leppard really isn't a group of "No Talent Ass Clowns" they will both present their sides in the first ever Shan-O-Land debate.

Side 1 (Shannon): Def Leppard is one of the greatest 80's hair band ever!

5. They are part of the 1970's / 1980's British Rock invasion
(Yes people, they are right up there with Queen and Led Zepplin)

4. Their top 20 US hits include: Pour Some Sugar on Me, Hysteria, Animal, Love Bites, and Let's Get Rocked
- who can forget the little animated guy running arond!
- and Love Bites is a classic power ballad!

3. Dee Snider said they were cool!
(Appearing in Vh1's Greatest 100 Most Metal Moments over 3 times!)

2. They have a one armed drummer who rocks the Casbah!

1. I'm hot sticky sweet, from my head to my feet, Yeah....!

Side 2 (Jerri): Def Leppard are a bunch of No Talent Ass Clowns!
5. British invasion my ass!
- They may have come over during the era when Queen rocked the casbah, but they didn't hit it big until the age of 80's hair bands, and all 80's hair bands are a bunch of no talent ass clowns.

4. I dont' care what Dee Snider says - THEY SUCK! and so does Dee!

3. Who the fuck has a one armed drummer! Drunk ass!

2. Pour Some Sugar on Me makes me want to put a pencil in my eye!


**In Shannon's support, we GOOGLED "Def Leppard sucks" and could not find one fan web site dedicated to how much they suck. There were quite a few "Def Leppard Sucks" comments on other web sites, but not one to support Jerri's claim that they are indeed are no talent ass clowns. **

Friday, October 22, 2004

Golden Showers & Falling off the Wagon

New term:
Golden Birthday- The year you turn the age of your birthday date.
ie: Shannon turned 18 on the 18th of February!

** DO NOT CONFUSE THIS TERM WITH "A GOLDEN BRITHDAY" ** - This is when everyone at your birthday party puts you in the middle of a circle, dances around you and pees on you all at the same time.

The Food Wagon:
Ever see someonone fall off the food wagon? Kinda like Julia Roberts in American's Sweethearts, when she gets pretty depressed and eats like this monster breakfast (all after she has lost like 100 lbs in the movie).

Well that is me today, well not really but I feel like it. So thank you Pot Bellies (a really yummy hot sandwich shop in Detroit and Chicago) for the ham and cheese sandwich with mayo, lettice, tomato, and hot peppers and the chocolate malt.

The power of the chocolate shake was to strong for me to deny today and I gave into the force.

My Shame is deep.... deep....

Drunk Stories
So seeing as how this is my very own blog, I kinda see it as a little way to express myself however I feel. Sometimes there will be random thoughts, random conversations, and a new addition, random stories. Now I have TONS of stories, most of which all take place while I am throughly intoxicated.

So... if there was ever a situation that you wished to see me in at some point in my life, please let me know, changes are I have done it and have a brillant story to go along with it...

I'm hot, sticky sweet, from my head to my feet... YEAH.....

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Glow Worms

I wish I was a glow worm,
A glow worm's never glum.

'Cos how can you be grumpy
When the sun shines out your bum!

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

The Benevolent Ruler

We are doing a new personality test at work for halloween based on Kingdomality. I am THE BENEVOLENT RULER!

check out the quiz at:


Many years ago there was a period of time that is often casually called "Medieval." It was a time, so the story tellers tell us, of tiny kingdoms, brave knights and ferocious dragons.

ransportation and travel were both crude and difficult, usually necessitating that each kingdom be as self sufficient and self reliant as possible. So it was very important that within each kingdom all the major crafts and professions of the day were ably represented to insure the survival of the kingdom. In the English language we still see remnants of some occupations in the familiar surnames such as Smith, Carpenter, Miller and Baker to name just a few.

Interestingly enough, beyond the specific title the vocation also took on its own greater personality. This personality preference can also give a broader understanding of the basic complementary style and types necessary to the kingdom's survival, or perhaps any organization's success. Although the specific vocation influenced the name, it was no accident that certain personality types and styles gravitated to certain occupations. The personality of these jobs suited the inclinations of the job holders, and the predecessor to modern day job descriptions was born. The successful matching of a job-holder's personality to the personality and unique requirements of the job was necessary to the kingdom's survival, or perhaps any organization's success. The successful kingdoms more than likely were able to blend the differences into a powerful and formidable entity. With today's diverse workforce, the corporate kingdom that acknowledges and nurtures these personality preferences could become an organization as successful as the Camelot of old.

Even though we now appear to have the freedom to explore many different career alternatives, we still have a medieval vocational personality within each of us. This personality, properly identified and understood, can motivate our success but, if ignored, may set the stage for our ultimate failure. Since times appeared to be simpler then, let us return to the kingdoms of medieval Europe and see what we would have done then, regardless of what our names are now.

Your distinct personality, The Benevolent Ruler might be found in most of the thriving kingdoms of the time. You are the idealistic social dreamer. Your overriding goal is to solve the people problems of your world. You are a social reformer who wants everyone to be happy in a world that you can visualize. You are exceptionally perceptive about the woes and needs of humankind. You often have the understanding and skill to readily conceive and implement the solutions to your perceptions. On the positive side, you are creatively persuasive, charismatic and ideologically concerned. On the negative side, you may be unrealistically sentimental, scattered and impulsive, as well as deviously manipulative. Interestingly, your preference is just as applicable in today's corporate kingdoms.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Red Fraggle

You're Red Fraggle!

Which Fraggle are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Friend Survey Crap

Royal Blue


Who Moved my cheese and Bridget Jones Edge of reason (preparing for new movie)


Some water pool thing w/ gel wrist


Monopoly (I love play w/ Larry!)  I own like 6 different boards



5 more minutes

7. FAVORITE Color(s):
I like them all, but I own a lot of black, pink, and red

periwinkle (not really, just thought it was cool)


1st or 2nd

Katherine Vaughn and Wolfgang Scott


usually 5-15 over


Scott, and Duke around my head (we need a bigger bed!)

14. Thunderstorms - COOL OR SCARY?
Way cool!

1985 Grey Mustang 5.0 GT w/ T-Tops. I loved that car. It was all rusted out and I had to put oil in it like every 1000 miles.  If I had been a boy I would still own it and be fixing it up.






Someday I’m gonna own a sports-bar!

Blond w/ hot pink highlights. 

half full


Ferris Bueler, Supertroopers




Junk – craft box, office supplies & slippers




growing old and getting alztimers



Depends, ketchup for fries,

Ketchup and mustard on burgers

Mustard on hotdogs



San Diego Calf!!! WOO HOO



The time


I always got to Run for the Border!

35. Dogs or Cats?

I love puppies...But I have a defective cat..

La La Orange

You are Lala Orange!

Which Rainbow Brite character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

How I spend my day at work

How many football fields do you have to walk to burn off 1 M&M

Jerri : i don't know how I made it through day before instant messenger

marshsmm: lol we surfed and pranked called each other a lot

Jerri : i wish that i still had the automated voicemail. i now have the old meridian mail

Jerri : you have to walk the length of a football field to wear off one m&m

marshsmm: ???

marshsmm: a bag on m&m's is 250 calories

Jerri : that is what Cyndi just said

marshsmm: that is 45 minutes on the treadmill

Jerri : one length of a football field is like 5 minutes!

Jerri : not a bag, just one

marshsmm: well ok... just seemed a little much for 1 m&m

Jerri : well who knows where she got that from & if it is even accurate

marshsmm: they are only like 10 calories each i think...

marshsmm: 25/250 = 10 right?

Jerri : yes

Jerri : how long does it take to burn 10 caolries walking?

marshsmm: not much

marshsmm: you burn like a calorie every few seconds

marshsmm: so if i walked to your desk back and froth 25 times a day I would burn off my bag on M&Ms

Jerri : prob less then 10 cals each. there is more then 25 m&m's in a bag i'd assume

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Deep thoughts, by Shannon Marshall

marshsmm: it is funny what you remember you have and what you don't...

marshsmm: i thought to myself the other day.. gee I need to buy the Hello Nasty CD by the Beastie Boys...

marshsmm: then I found it at home...

marshsmm: then i thought to myself... gee did i really buy this or did i steel it form someone which is why i dont' remember having it in my collection?

marshsmm: I do that a lot, and I do not know why. Is it short term memory loss? Or am I subconsciously choosing to forget things?

marshsmm: Kinda to go off on what Ben was saying ( why do we only remember certain things? I mean our brains are big enough. Why do we file them away for future retrieval?

marshsmm: I too can only vividly remember my life from about the age of 10 on. How come we can only remember siginificant events from 4 to 10?

marshsmm: I am sure that there is some sort of developmental psychological reason that I just cant remember, even though I took developmental psychology in college.

Deep thoughts, by Shannon Marshall

Our Villiage Idiot - Bush

I don't normally like to rant and rave about our idiot, the President. But here is a great story from one of his forner prefessors from Harvard Business School. Read it, it is great!

The Story:
By Mary Jacoby
Sept. 16, 2004

For 25 years, Yoshi Tsurumi, one of George W. Bush's professors at Harvard Business School, was content with his green-card status as a permanent legal resident of the United States. But Bush's ascension to the presidency in 2001 prompted the Japanese native to secure his American citizenship. The reason: to be able to speak out with the full authority of citizenship about why he believes Bush lacks the character and intellect to lead the world's oldest and most powerful democracy.

"I don't remember all the students in detail unless I'm prompted by something," Tsurumi said in a telephone interview Wednesday. "But I always remember two types of students. One is the very excellent student, the type as a professor you feel honored to be working with. Someone with strong social values, compassion, and intellect -- the very rare person you never forget. And then you remember students like George Bush, those who are totally the opposite."

The future president was one of 85 first-year MBA students in Tsurumi's macroeconomic policies and international business class in the fall of 1973 and spring of 1974. Tsurumi was a visiting associate professor at Harvard Business School from January 1972 to August 1976; today, he is a professor of international business at Baruch College in New York.

Trading as usual on his father's connections, Bush entered Harvard in 1973 for a two-year program. He'd just come off what George H.W. Bush had once called his eldest son's "nomadic years" -- partying, drifting from job to job, working on political campaigns in Florida and Alabama, and, most famously, apparently not showing up for duty in the Alabama National Guard.

Harvard Business School's rigorous teaching methods, in which the professor interacts aggressively with students, and students are encouraged to challenge each other sharply, offered important insights into Bush, Tsurumi said. In observing students' in-class performances, "you develop pretty good ideas about what are their weaknesses and strengths in terms of thinking, analysis, their prejudices, their backgrounds, and other things that students reveal," he said.

One of Tsurumi's standout students was Rep. Chris Cox, R-Calif., now the seventh-ranking member of the House Republican leadership. "I typed him as a conservative Republican with a conscience," Tsurumi said. "He never confused his own ideology with economics, and he didn't try to hide his ignorance of a subject in mumbo jumbo. He was what I call a principled conservative."

Bush, by contrast, "was totally the opposite of Chris Cox," Tsurumi said." He showed pathological lying habits and was in denial when challenged on his prejudices and biases. He would even deny saying something he just said 30 seconds ago. He was famous for that. Students jumped on him; I challenged him." When asked to explain a particular comment, said Tsurumi, Bush would respond, "Oh, I never said that." A White House spokeswoman did not return a phone call seeking comment.

In 1973, as the oil and energy crisis raged, Tsurumi led a discussion on whether government should assist retirees and other people on fixed incomes with heating costs. Bush, he recalled, "made this ridiculous statement and when I asked him to explain, he said, 'The government doesn't have to help poor people -- because they are lazy.' I said, 'Well, could you explain that assumption?' Not only could he not explain it, he started backtracking on it, saying, 'No, I didn't say that.'"

If Cox had been in the same class, Tsurumi said, "I could have asked him to challenge that and he would have demolished it. Not personally or emotionally, but intellectually."

Bush once sneered at Tsurumi for showing the film "The Grapes of Wrath," based on John Steinbeck's novel of the Depression. "We were in a discussion of the New Deal, and he called Franklin Roosevelt's policies 'socialism.' He denounced labor unions, the Securities and Exchange Commission, Medicare, Social Security, you name it. He denounced the civil rights movement as socialism. To him, socialism and communism were the same thing. And when challenged to explain his prejudice, he could not defend his argument, either ideologically, polemically or academically."

Students who challenged and embarrassed Bush in class would then become the subject of a whispering campaign by him, Tsurumi said. "In class, he couldn't challenge them. But after class, he sometimes came up to me in the hallway and started bad-mouthing those students who had challenged him. He would complain that someone was drinking too much. It was innuendo and lies.

So that's how I knew, behind his smile and his smirk, that he was a very insecure, cunning and vengeful guy."
Many of Tsurumi's students came from well-connected or wealthy families, but good manners prevented them from boasting about it, the professor said. But Bush seemed unabashed about the connections that had brought him to Harvard.

"The other children of the rich and famous were at least well bred to the point of realizing universal values and standards of behavior," Tsurumi said. But Bush sometimes came late to class and often sat in the back row of the theater-like classroom, wearing a bomber jacket from the Texas Air National Guard and spitting chewing tobacco into a cup.

"At first, I wondered, 'Who is this George Bush?' It's a very common name and I didn't know his background. And he was such a bad student that I asked him once how he got in. He said, 'My dad has good friends.'" Bush scored in the lowest 10 percent of the class.

The Vietnam War was still roiling campuses and Harvard was no exception. Bush expressed strong support for the war but admitted to Tsurumi that he'd gotten a coveted spot in the Texas Air National Guard through his father's connections. "I used to chat up a number of students when we were walking back to class," Tsurumi said. "Here was Bush, wearing a Texas Guard bomber jacket, and the draft was the No. 1 topic in those days. And I said, 'George, what did you do with the draft?' He said, 'Well, I got into the Texas Air National Guard.' And I said, 'Lucky you. I understand there is a long waiting list for it. How'd you get in?' When he told me, he didn't seem ashamed or embarrassed. He thought he was entitled to all kinds of privileges and special deals. He was not the only one trying to twist all their connections to avoid Vietnam. But then, he was fanatically for the war."

Tsurumi told Bush that someone who avoided a draft while supporting a war in which others were dying was a hypocrite. "He realized he was caught, showed his famous smirk and huffed off."
Tsurumi's conclusion: Bush is not as dumb as his detractors allege. "He was just badly brought up, with no discipline, and no compassion," he said.

In recent days, Tsurumi has told his story to various print and television outlets and appears in Kitty Kelley's exposi "The Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty." He said other professors and students at the business school from that time share his recollections but are afraid to come forward, fearing ostracism or retribution. And why is Tsurumi speaking up now? Because with the ongoing bloodshed in Iraq and Osama bin Laden still on the loose -- not to mention a federal deficit ballooning out of control -- the stakes are too high to remain silent. "Obviously, I don't think he is the best person" to be running the country, he said. "I wanted to explain why."
- - - - - - - - - - - -
About the writer
Mary Jacoby is Salon's Washington correspondent.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Top 5 Cd's you should own

Duke Chronicles will continue tomorrow, hopefully they will be last of the “Broken Leg” series.

Heard a radio interview with Barry Manalow this weekend, which inspired me to list my top 5 CD’s that everyone owns (or should own) but doesn’t want to admit to.

Shannon’s Top 5 Cd’s you should own, but do not like to admit to owning:

  1. Barry Manalow – Greatest Hits
  2. Journey – Greatest Hits
  3. Bee Gee’s – Greatest Hits

(ok well I really only have 3 “must have’s”, so the last two are flexible – feel free to talk amongst yourselves)

  1. MC Hammer/Vanilla Ice Back to Back Hits – a cheap $10 greatest hits kinda compilation of both these ass clowns on one CD

(great for regressing back to “the day” when parachute pants and fades were awesome!)

  1. Boy George – At worst, the Best of Boy George & the Culture Club.

(he is so underrated! – buy it!)

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

I am Famous!

So as those before me have inspired me, I have now in return inspired others! Several friends have now started their own blogs at the inspiration of me! WOO HOO!

My old friend Elaine and my cousin Ben have both started blogs! Check them out, they are two very cool people and should provide lots of entertainment!

It has been busy at work the last few days. I acquired the Bagel virus the other day and had to have my computer at work replaced. This virus took my name and sent out 1,000's of emails that all bounced back to me at about the rate of 20 every few seconds, so needless to say, the email "in box" was a little full. Who knows, I proboly infected other people, so I will still keep getting these System Administrator type emails. I apologise if anyone that I know got infected like me.

I may work out today, went for a run/walk on Monday and felt tons better after lunch (well more like a walk/trott, but no one but the skinny girls at the gym see me); or I may "run" to the postoffice and Starbucks. (hmmmm coffee... - actually felt like I was in "You've Got Mail" the other day when they announced my drink: "Venti, non-fat, light moca frap")

Now for Shannon's version of 5 Questions:

Shannon's Wish List for Wednesday, September 29, 2004:
1. Scott to stop threatening to harm the mail-man over a DVD I ordered a month ago that still hasen't come.

2. A cosmopolitian dispenser at my desk.

3. A "Here's Your Sign" sign dispenser at my desk.

4. Def Lepord to play in my friend Jerri's office during lunch break.

5. 1 Billion, Ca-zillion Dollars

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Christmas List

Ok... I know you may think it is to early for this, but seeing how my mother shops year round for christmas, it isn't early for me, but in most cases too late. So if you are interested in buying me things for christmas, here are a few suggestions.

Crate & Barell:

Holiday Line:
4 RED martini glasses
Red serving bowl
Red plates and or ice cream bowls

I have also always wanted a Menorah, but no one has ever gotten me one. Well here is your chance!
My wish list on

I have had this for many years. What is really cool about it is you can sort by what you want o purchase (ie: books, DVD's, electronics) and by how much I want an item (ie: Must have, like to have, etc...)

I suggest everyone get a wish list on I am always updateing it. Check the comments area for things that Scott wishes for.

Search for Shannon Marshall or

Feel free to buy new/used. I do all the time and have never had any problems, shippig just can sometimes be delayed.

Well I think that is it for today.

OH - Britany Spers is a no talent ass clown and I wish she would get a VD! I am so tired of heraring about her, WHO GIVES A SHIT about wither or not she is "technically" married. I could care less. Once again, I hope she knocks herself up and becomes hollywood white trash.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

People are idiots

I have come to the conclusion that all people are idiots. I am not sure if this is steming from the fustration that i feel with the idiots that I deal with at work or what.

Example of an idiot (or dumbass): that guy that buys the backpack on wheels. WTF! It looks like they are wheeling around a suitcase for christ's sakes!
Jessica Simpson is the hottest dumbass around.
Britney Spears is a dumbass skank.
Most of the rappers out today are just dumbasses in general.

No talent ass clowns: Kenny G, Michael BoltonRob Stewart, Phil Colins, and according to Jerri - Def Lepord. Now I wholeheartedly disagree with Def Lepord being No Talent Ass Clowns. Personally I think they are one of the greatest 80's rock-n-roll band ever! Maybe my friend just hasn't had any sugar poured on her latley.

Low riding pants: Ok... this topic really pisses me off. I am not sure if it is because I cna't wear them or what, but please all boys and gorls out there -

God gave you a waist for a reason... to hold up your pants... DO IT!

It isn't even just the skinny girls, the fat girls are doing it also! The waist has migrated 4 inches south and everyones bellys are hanging out for all the world to see. EX: My future sister in law wears dress skirts and pants on her hips. She had a baby 3 years ago and still hasn't lost the extra jiggle around her stomach. Now, since she wears stuff on her hips, the fabric cuts into this jiggle making her look 20 lbs heaver than she is. We got her in a skirt and actually put it on her natural waist and it took that 20 lbs right away. BUt she wouldn't do it... "I can't stand anythignon my waist." You know what! Tough! Wear your freeking clothes where they belong! ON your waist (or in my case slightly below - belly button area).

You have a waist... USE IT!

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

A picture of Scott and I at Dave Einfeldt's wedding (June 03). Scott was best man and I was at the freak table by myself (like sitting all by myself at a tiny little table - I was mortified!!) The photographer felt bad and took this really nice picture of us. We used it for our christmas cards last year and sent out wallets in normal cards (come on people, can't afford fancy picture cards for everyone!) Posted by Hello

An outside picture of our new condo. Most of our friends have been over to visit, but in case you haven't here is the outside. I need to take more pictures of the inside now that we are moved in and decorated. The top 1/2 of the picture is what we own (from the balcony over). The awning is the entrance to our condo. Posted by Hello

Monday, September 20, 2004

The Rath of Duke

Day 572 of my captivity….


It has been 3 weeks since my last entry.  The humans have kept me in this leg torture device for a total of 4 weeks now.  Today they took me to the kitty prison headquarters again, this time under the cover of night, well early morning I think.  I have never traveled this early in the day so I did not make a fuss.  The humans did not feed me or give me water either this morning.  I should have known that would be the beginning of the end…..


Upon arriving to the kitty prison, I was checked in and told to “be good” (whatever that means).  I will once again try to escape, but the lack of food and water has made me weak.  I have a sneaky feeling that I will once again be put into the sleeping chamber and gassed.  Apparently the prison guards take my threats seriously and find me a great threat to their existence.  If the humans planned on really keeping me captive forever, I think they have succeeded with this leg contraption.  I am not able to jump very high or run around like I use to.  I may be doomed to this fate of captivity forever….. CURSES!!!!!




Thursday, September 16, 2004

Fat Ass

So I officially have a fat ass! I have had to go buy "fat clothes" and now must muster the strength and determination to save all my money for liposuction! If anyone would like to donate to the "Shrink Shannon's Fat Ass" Fund, please send money through to .

No really... I need to lose weight. So I am bound and determined to eat healthy and count my calories and go back to the gym... That attitude usually last till about lunchtime where I give in to the demonds that posess me and eat a hot dog (well today it was a turkey dog) and have a chocolate malt. I know.. I know.. but I counted the calories which mean that I get like 1 chicken soft taco from Taco Bell tonight for dinner.

So on this healthy crusade I spent like $130 on gercories last night and came home with fruit, veggies, frozen dinners, tuna and other "healthy" snacks. Prob the most that I have spent on groceries in quite some time. I guess when you are use to buying crap and fast foods those are cheaper than real food.

Anywho... there is my fat bitch for today. I am sure more will follow, followed by fat days where I am forced to call into work because I have nothing to wear that fits me.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Michigan Ballot Proposal 04-02

This is a forward from the Detroit Free Press about the upcoming vote. On the ballot will unfortunately be a very important proposal to us.  Michigan voters will decide on Nov 2 to amend the state constitution to exclude gay couples from forming unions.  This amendment will not only outlaw "gay marriages" but will prohibit the state government from recognizing our relationships in any way.  Under current law, Ryan's employer (a state university) is allowed to offer domestic partner benefits.  Thankfully I have insurance from my own employer...but we have friends that could lose medical insurance for both their partner and their children. 


In just 7 weeks, all of this could be changed for the worse.    


I understand that not everyone is open minded to the thought of two men being married and some people find homosexuality to be completely wrong.  I have faith that my family and friends will see through this hatred and not vote for discrimination!


Please take a look and pass this on to anyone who you might think would be helped by having a better understanding of just what it means.


If you have not already registered to vote, please do so!!!  The deadline in Michigan is October 2nd.  You can even register online at




Subject: Questions, answers on Michigan gay marriage issue, Detroit Free Press

Detroit Free Press, MI, September 13, 2004

Questions, answers on Michigan gay marriage issue

Michigan voters will join those from 10 other states on Nov. 2 to decide whether to amend the state constitution to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

The proposal, brought to the ballot by a petition drive after the Legislature declined to approve it, is intended to block recognition of same-sex marriages in Michigan, something its backers fear could be foisted on the state by the courts. Opponents call the proposal an extreme reaction to a non-threat that will undermine basic civil rights for gays and lesbians, and even some heterosexuals who benefit from employers' gay-friendly policies.

This side of the presidential election, the marriage proposal has the potential to become the most hotly contested issue on the 2004 ballot. Here's a look at its highlights:

QUESTION: What does it say?
ANSWER: Voters will see this on the ballot: Proposal 04-02. A PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE STATE CONSTITUTION TO SPECIFY WHAT CAN BE RECOGNIZED AS A 'MARRIAGE OR SIMILAR UNION' FOR ANY PURPOSE. The proposal would amend the state constitution to provide that "the union of one man and one woman in marriage shall be the only agreement recognized as a marriage or similar union for any purpose."

Q: What will it do?
A: Prohibit public officials in Michigan from recognizing or according marriage benefits to anyone other than heterosexual couples. That means public officials could not record or otherwise recognize a same-sex marriage and would not be required to provide marriage benefits (for example, spousal health care coverage) to the partners of unmarried employees.

Beyond that, proponents and opponents disagree about the amendment's reach.

Q: Why is it needed?
A: Proponents, led by Citizens for the Protection of Marriage, say the amendment is needed to preclude a redefinition of marriage by judicial action as has occurred in other places. Most notably and recently in Massachusetts, where the state Supreme Court ruled that a prohibition on same-sex marriage was illegal discrimination. Traditional marriage is the foundation of society and vital to the well being of children, they say.

Opponents, led by the Coalition for a Fair Michigan, say it is not. Michigan has a law that prohibits the recognition of same-sex marriage and should not amend its constitution to limit rights, they say.

Q: Is Michigan the only state taking the issue to voters?
A: No. Ten other states have elections on the definition of marriage scheduled for Nov. 2. Louisianans will vote Sept. 18. Missouri voters approved a marriage amendment in August. Voters in four other states adopted constitutional amendments limiting marriage rights between 1998 and 2000.

Q: Would the Michigan amendment prohibit civil unions?
A: Yes. At least as the term is in common use today -- official sanction of a marriage-like relationship between two people of the same sex. Of course, Michigan does not currently recognize such arrangements.

But both sides in the debate agree that the amendment is intended to, and almost certainly would, prevent the Legislature from creating an alternative form of recognition for same-sex relationships.

Q: What about employee benefits accorded to domestic partners and their dependents by some municipalities and public universities?
A: Proponents and opponents of the amendment say they would be prohibited to the extent they mimic benefits for married employees. Opponents argue that an unspecified number of children would be unjustly deprived of health care in the process. Proponents say they believe the number would be small and that alternative coverage could be made available.

Existing contracts between public employers and employee organizations that provide such benefits would not be affected, but those provisions could not be renewed in subsequent contracts, proponents say. Opponents claim existing contracts might be subject to legal challenge.

Q: Would the prohibitions apply to employers in the private sector?
A: Proponents say no; opponents say maybe.

Q: Why not just prohibit same-sex marriage and be done with it?
A: Drafters of the amendment concluded that if the language did not specifically address other arrangements, it would leave the door open for courts to require that gay and lesbian relationships be recognized as marriages in every respect except name. That, they say, is what happened in Vermont, the only state that officially recognizes civil unions.

Q: Will the additional language -- "similar union for any purpose" -- invite lawsuits if the amendment is adopted?
A: Of course.

Julius Zomper, spokesman for the Fair Michigan group, says marriage amendment lawsuits will become a cottage industry in Michigan. Zomper predicted the Michigan language, which he describes as among the most expansive proposed anywhere in the country, will ultimately be struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court as too vague to be enforced.

Patrick Gillen, an attorney with the Thomas More Law Center who helped draft the amendment, disagrees. But given the nature of the debate, litigation is inevitable, he says.

Gillen also notes that every significant constitutional amendment ever enacted has been extensively interpreted by courts. Furthermore, he says, simplifying the language -- or even dropping the proposal altogether -- wouldn't put an end to litigation over marriage rights.

Q: If approved by voters, will this put an end to the debate?
A: No.

Advocates of same-sex marriage have not been dissuaded by electoral setbacks elsewhere. In six statewide votes around the country on the issue since 1998, backers of traditional marriage have failed to win by a greater than a 2-1 margin only once (in Hawaii, in 1998, where the yes vote was 59.2 percent).

But legal challenges to the states' refusal to recognize nontraditional marriage have increased.

While Michigan's constitutional amendment presumably would withstand challenge in state courts, it still would be the likely target of a federal lawsuit. Some legal observers believe that the issue cannot be settled by anything short of an amendment to the U.S. Constitution or decision by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Q: What kind of campaigns should we expect?
A: It depends in large part on how successful each side is organizing and raising money.

Citizens for the Protection of Marriage put on a remarkable performance collecting 500,000 petition signatures without having much of either in place at the outset. The group plans to continue to rely heavily on a grassroots participation, especially from the religious community and social conservatives. Campaign director Marlene Elwell says she also is trying to raise money for a media campaign.

Fair Michigan is drawing its support from more politically active sectors, including business and labor groups, and among opinion leaders. Zomper says the group hopes the Michigan campaign will attract national attention, and the money to pay for a robust media campaign.

Q: Would Michigan's national reputation and business climate suffer if public entities could not offer benefits to same-sex couples?
A: Opponents of the proposal say they believe a prohibition on benefits for same-sex couples would harm employee recruitment, especially at public universities, and send a signal that Michigan is an unwelcoming, intolerant place.

Proponents of the amendment say they don't believe domestic partner benefits are a significant factor in the state's overall reputation or business climate.

Q: Is the ballot proposal being pushed by Republicans because they think it will increase the turnout of voters who will support President George W. Bush?
A: The ballot proposal committee is officially nonpartisan. The Michigan GOP has endorsed the proposal, while state Democrats generally regard it as unnecessary and divisive.

The effect on turnout, however, is uncertain in a presidential election year, especially one in which passions are running as high as they seem to be on Bush and Democratic opponent John Kerry. Even less certain is whether higher turnout would help Bush, since polling indicates some of the strongest support for the amendment is among African-American voters, who are expected to vote overwhelmingly for Kerry.

Contact DAWSON BELL at 313-222-6604 or