Thursday, August 30, 2007

Fall Work Blues

I have the job blues once again.

Another summer of interviews has gone by with no new job for the Shannon. I really wish I could just quit my job and do SP, event planning, and personal training with the Duck for a living. Unfortunately I have a massive amount of debt and good health insurance that is keeping me in my current location :P Also the uncertainty of being able to pay my bills is another one - I may have A TON of debt, but I am currently able to pay all my bills on time (mostly) every month and I want to keep it that way!

Anywho... if anyone can send me some good job mojo it would be appreciated.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Vegas Baby.... Vegas!

So I go to Vegas in a week! YEAH! For a training convention with Slumber Parties. It is going to be way fun, and very tiring! They have us in classes from 8 am - 8 pm!

I hope to sight see and maybe get a tatoo! Some of the girls are talking about getting one on our free day on Thursday. Here is the concept I am tossing around:

A "Family Crest" of some sort: The Medusa head is for my sword school; the dragon head for my sword class and the 2 S's for Scott and I. Of course it will prob be prettier when finished and all balck and "white" as color fades over time.. we will see.. I prob wont cause Hart & Huntington are some of the best, which means high prices... anywho...

Vegas baby... Vegas...

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Hello... Anyone Out there?

Ok.... ok... ok...

Dear Blog:

I am sorry that I have been away for so long. I must admit that I have been cheating on you with Myspace, Live Journal, and Facebook; and truthfully, I regret every bit of it.

Sure they offer more bells and whistles, and there are more "friends" out there that read those than you here, buy you, my original Shano-Land Blog will always be my one true blog.

My sincere apologies that I have been neglecting you for so long. I promise to try to ink your pages more often with the crazy things that go on in my mind - after all, you are my name-sake - Shano-Land.

And... "As Elaine says, BARACK THE CASBAH!"
Hi Ben!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Pretty Sweet Life

I was writing to an old friend from high school and realized just how sweet life is...

It was crazy! I ran into Missy at C&B last May when I was in town for my 10 yr reunion! We were just shopping and I was like "I have to go in here!" and there she was behind the counter in my favorite section - glassware! hehe I had all new margarita glasses shipping home to me! I felt like a posh snowbird - yes I am on vacation, can you ship this to me? hehe...

Well, went to college, had A LOT of fun, fell in love, broke up, fell in love, got an apartment, got a cat, bought a condo, got another cat, got my master's degree, and made it legal! (we haven't had the reception yet, so we have only been telling people a little at a time!).

My brother and sister are going great! Jon is engaged with a 2 yr old. Jeni is married with a 1 yr old and a 2nd one on the way! My parents are still trucking along! We have huge football parties all the time in the fall and BBQ's in the summer. We are very blessed and live a pretty sweet life!

I work at U of M as a department assistant for Political Science and I also work at a conference center as a wedding planner on the weekends and do Slumber Parties (adult all women home parties!) as well! Both part time jobs are a BLAST and I love it all!


Thursday, June 07, 2007

Reason & Season


People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person.

When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inco nvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.

Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

Thank you for being a part of my life, whether you were a reason, a season or a lifetime.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Big 3-0

... which isn't for another 10 months for me, but my dear cousin Ben turns 30 tomorrow and while I am very much looking forward to turning 30, or last week thought I was, I have started to realise that I am no longer 21 and now have to worry about the following things:

1. Wrinkles - is it time to start buying anti-aiging cream and foundation?

2. Continued boob saggage (a HUGE problem for me as they are already heading south at an alarming pace!)

3. "Getting in Shape" - yeah....

4. Reproducing - how old is too old? Do I want to be 50 and still be paying for college?

Seriously.... as much as I was looking forward to this life event... I think I am starting to freak out a little...

Thursday, March 29, 2007

My Favorite "Mistakes"

As I enter another phase in my life this weekend I have been pondering past relationships and which ones effected me the most. I have been lucky enough to not end relationships "badly" and have kept in touch with most of my ex's over the years. I have also been able to reflect on each relationship and been able to take valuable lessons from each of them.

From L I learned that it is important to communicate, give each other room, and that it is OK to be individuals as well as a couple. This is my most important past relationship as S immediately followed L.

From M I learned that timing is everything and you have to fight for the ones you love. M, consequently, is my "biggest mistake" that I went back to several times and ended up getting hurt each time (I should have soooo listened to my friends). I recently got back in touch with him and let me tell you he still gives me butterflies and makes me weak in the knees (I sooo hate it that he does!). We have chalked up our time together as a pair of star-crossed lovers who may end up together again in 20 years. Lesson learned here: Never go back, fight for the ones you love, and listen to your friends (they see things you refuse to when you are blinded by "love").

Now, W was my "first". An older, hunky firefighter who taught me all about "adult" relationships and that is it important to grow and learn your life lessons before settling down.

D was my first bf ever. He is a sweetie and he will always hold a special place in my heart. What happened here is I grew up and he didn't and we both ended up feeling that we were babysitting/being baby-sat. Let me tell you though, when I think of it, I can still feel the same knots in my stomach when I did 13 years ago after seeing him kiss someone else just 3 days after ending our 9 month HS relationship.

So... let's tally.... that is about 5 people I have been in love with in my life. Each taught a lesson, and with each I learned something about life. They all hold a special place in my heart and I love them all still to this day; just a little differently.

Friday, March 23, 2007


.... ummmm... yeah... that is all I wanted to say....

I am freaking out ....

Thursday, March 15, 2007


Hey Everyone!

The Marshall's are hosting a beerfest competition onSeptember 15 (UofM Notre Dame day)!

Feel free to form a team of 4-5 or just show up.


All games are "typical" drinking games which require "sips" of beer.However, we are hoping to have at leats one chugging relay which willrequire you to finish a 16oz glass.

Mark your calanders!!!!

This is an event you will NOT want to miss!!

Teams are forming now for BEERFEST 2007

Games being played:
Speed Quarters
Beer Pong
Volume Chug
Das Boot!

Beer will be served in 16 oz glasses. The Volume Chug will be a 23 oz pilsner
Teams of 4-5 encouraged!
Matching Outfits STRONGLY encouraged!
Team Captains: You choose the country to represent!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Big Fat ZERO!

ZERO posts for Feb.... bugger.... Sorry that I haven't been keeping up here. I have three myspaces to check and a livejournal now.

I am in the process of building up my new business. I have two parties this weekend, a party next weekend and a party at the end of the month. I am trying to utilize some great KIT practices that I learned while at GW. I am pondering a "Vendor Appreciation" party and inviting local business women in addition to sending them information about my new venture. I really need to take a day or two and go door to door to women in the area.

Anywho... I hope everyone is doing well!


Monday, January 29, 2007

My New Business

Last week I purchased a new business. I am now a Slumber Parties Distributor -
Shannon M. Marshall
Romance Enhancement Consultant

... Or so my business cards say.

This has been something I have wanted to do for almost two years now. My friend Lisa in Colorado does this for a living. It started out as part time in addition to her real estate business, and she is now a full time distributor who raked in $85,000 in sales last year.

For those of you who don't know, Slumber Parties is a company that does in home parties and distributes bedroom novelties, toys, and romance enhancement products. The parties are for women only (18+) and are done in the comfort of your home. Men can purchase products from me, I just can't do a demonstration party.

So boys, need anything saucy for the bedroom - give me a call, I will hook you up. Ladies, book your party today! (Or just order stuff from me also!)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

5 Year Anniversary

Last night was the 5th anniversary from the date that Scott and I met. Since we started "dating" about a week after we met, we have just chosen to celebrate an "anniversary" on the day we met.

We spent a nice evening at home with a romantic carry-out dinner and our favorite TV shows and a movie. No presents were given this year, just time spent together reflecting on how much we mean to each other.

We look forward to our 7th year anniversary when we will get married on October 31, 2009. It will be a very fun and festive party, one that very much reflects our personalities. So save the date if you wold like to take a trip up to Michigan in October. Shouldn't be too cold - prob in the 50-60's; and hopefully the fall colors will still be around! (Rock-Chicks this is an event not to be missed if you would like to be "red carpet" interviewers!)

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Hazy Shade of Winter

Winter has not been to harsh on us yet this year, but in salute of the Bangles song and the winter season, I have changed over to a blue motif. Happy Bunny still says it all though.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

My Happy Bunny

What "Happy Bunny" phrase are you?

you suck and that's sad

You are a very compassionate and sympathetic person. You use your divine sense of humor to cheer up a situation.

Personality Test Results

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