Thursday, October 13, 2005

Nothing new

Not much new in my life but a few new credit cards and a hang nail.

I am 99% finished with my Christmas shopping (Scott thinks I am crazy, and so will Pete). I just have to get Scott's sister and her husband something and I am all done, which I may do tonight, I am not sure. I can't tell you what a relief it is to be done Christmas shopping in October. I will never have to set foot in the mall all season!!!! I just have to remember now that I am done shopping and not to buy any more presents for anyone. I am really only guilty of doing this for my sister and Scott. Both whom I prob spend the most money on. One, cause I love Scott so much, and 2. cause my sister is so easy to shop for.

Mary at work quit. So I am Interim Social Event Coordinator, until they find a replacement. Seriously put a damper on my Halloween Party plans scheduled for the 22nd. Bastards, I told my friends I would be unable to participate if they moved it up a week. I have one more wedding left for the season on the 22nd. Should go nice and smooth. Then I have an auction and then on to holiday party season. Which should be interesting.

Scott had sinus surgery again yesterday. He is at home nursing some very nice black eyes and a swollen face. They removed a polyp, some scar tissue, and fully connected his drainage to his throat. No wonder he gets all stuffed up so fast. My assistant chef recommended Yoga to Scott to increasing his breathing through his nose to keep it clear.

My kitty Daisy keeps pooping outside her litter box on the floor. It is clean, cause she keeps pooping on the outside, so I have to figure out what is pissing her off so she will start using the box again. At least she isn’t pooping in my clothes or on my bed, she poops in the laundry room in corners I cannot reach. (little bitch)

I bought Buffy Season's 1-7. I should put them and my treadmill to good use and use them together. Makes the exercising go by much faster. Scott hasn’t noticed yet that I bought the entire collection. Once the drugs wear off, he may figure it out.

Girls like boys with skills